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It is...though I hold reservations until hunting season..only because as we talked out came him speaking of all my stands...mind you all my stands are NOT visible from the property line....This I was trying to draw out., and did. It's all how you approach it...He now knows I run cams every where. That all my trails are clear and I do not use flash lights and I use hunter orange...That makes a difference for .....decoying:wink: he has purchased a lot of land over the years since we first met at his neighbors party. I actually know them...the house is not being used any more. This connects to his place on the next road over. Which opens my hunting up as far as the 500' rule . I also found out his neighbor has been buying up around there place as well.  This now has 4 major people on the hill buying up lands around them ...cutting the density down ..all good news. Think this will work out though met his wife (new) pretty nice..left feeling good.

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I'm pretty confident it will...They brought up the shooting last year here and I mentioned the one near me years back, besides she was on the ambulance calls...So They don't want to be near other hunters any more than I. We'll  tend to be nervous about where we go..calls will be made I am sure....I did warn him about the nut job in gun season that sits on both our back borders, full  leaf gilly suit. I catch him running up the hill on the lease property every single year...One of these years he'll look for me in my tree stand and I'll have come in to the blind across and 200 ft from my line...he sits in a dead fall around there and I can only see him when he moves...even with bino's...I never know when he'll be there...I refuse not to hunt my land because of an AH...What kind of mental midget hunts during gun season right on other hunters lines in a Gilly suit... in a town where not one or two but a few have been shot and 2 killed over the years.. and who that knows them allows it!:dontknow:

Edited by growalot
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I know the feeling about having good neighbors . We don't own the property ,but we have 90 acres that we have 100 percent freedom to do as we choose . The guy next door used to lease to some real knuckleheads. All the time we would see them walking around off their lease . They always had one wounded they were looking for.

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14 minutes ago, Jeremy K said:

. All the time we would see them walking around off their lease . They always had one wounded they were looking for.

This to a tee.  3x now over the years I've thrown out the same guy(s) as they were tracking a shot deer. Only once did I hear a gunshot  And I witnessed the "6 point" get gutshot. It was a bambi and I had watched it bed down 20 minutes earlier. Last year I threw them out and probably spooked most everything in the woods by some fine choice of words. Nothing my daughter hasn't heard before on the bus. I am 100% going to call the DEC this year if it happens again.

Its amazing how good neighbors  and bad ones are on opposite ends of the spectrum with very little in between

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