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Squirrel calls

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Anyone ever use those the different squirrel calls that you can buy now?  Ive never used any and have had success without but messed around a few times with scraping the edge of 2 quarters together to imitate squirrels eating nuts to amuse myself(I read somewhere that thatcan work to attract them);  however, didnt seem to work and maybe I was doing it wrong anyway, any thoughts?



David :)

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I have the Primo's Squirrel Buster and I'll tell you my experience with it:

It has the ability to use 3 different calls. Bark, Distress, and one other. After using it on a few hunts and not seeing the squirrels particularly respond to it, it did make them aware that something is in the woods over there and I think they actually went into "Alert" Mode, going higher in the trees, hiding, or getting a little curious to find me. It did not however, make them bark back, come to me, or otherwise positively respond to my call.

So it doesn't particularly help them "Come to me", but in some instances it might help "Locate" them by making them move, or even stay still (usually on the backface of a tree).

There is also always the chance of human error in the calling. The right volume, pitch, amount of barks, intervals, etc. There's more error to spook the hunt than to help it.

Then again I see guys hunt squirrels with dogs barking at the base of the tree so ^_^.

Since I put the call down and just got better at finding the tree mast areas that dominantly hold squirrels, I got better at my approaches and slowed my pace. Sometimes after I shot one, the others would spook just for 10-20 minutes. I often get 2-3 on the ground while standing in the same spot just for mentally marking my downed squirrels location, and then hanging out for a few minutes looking for more. I was bagging 12 a day without the call (12/d limit in Florida). Sometimes the hunt is easier if they see me because they go nuts barking at me and alerting all the other squirrels. They make a lot of noise and point out their locations to me, then I approach each one with some strategy to get a good shot. Of course you don't want to over-hunt your spot because you just diminished the population! So now you gotta find another patch of those nice oaks!

I actually just found my squirrel call while gathering my backpack supplies and this is now my thought on it: I'll use it as a last resort. If otherwise I'm going out of the woods with no or little action that day. But it isn't worth being your "go to" squirrel hunting gadget, as it isn't all that effective.

Finding better patches of trees that hold squirrels, and having a good day that they're active is the main factors in my success.

Happy Hunting!



Edited by JabzXtreme
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I carry one when I squirrel hunt and I can't say that I get a lot more squirrels with it, but I've used them early in the morning and seemed to get them to chatter more so it helps me locate them at times. I don't know why, but many times when I call I locate them because they start twitching their tail.


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