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Pex tubing verses copper.I'm thinking of re routing some water lines and never used pex before I have watched some how to on youtube but is it that easy to work with?just crimp joints and use sharkbite fittings.I'm considering on bringing water line from under the house to a bulk head inside.

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I've used shark bites, but only in areas that aren't hidden and in spots I can easily spot and issues. Yes I've had a couple fail, so no in the wall use for me. 


And yes pex is easy to use. No elbows needed to make a corner. 

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The pex is that easy. The crimped fittings work great. The pex does work with Sharkbite (and other manufactures) as does Copper and CPVC. You don't need sharkbite fittings to install pex.  You can use their crimped fittings. If you do use the sharkbite fittings make sure you utilize the rigid plastic insert that comes with each fitting opening. You may get a by leavign it out on the cold side but you will get leaks with hot water. It keeps the pex to it's round shape so it seals well. Every sharkbite I have seen leak wit pex had this collar left out. 

It's also more forgiving for having the pipes freeze. I am not sure how it is rated but I had a 2 lines at camp freeze. one cpvc and one pex. The pex was fine when thawed. the cpvc split. 

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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