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Handgun for hunting in NY - Legal to bring into NY?


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I know the low about not being able to bring a handgun into NY from out of state if, unless you are on your way to an NRA event.  How about if you want to hunt with handgun during the deer season?  Is it legal to transport it into the state then?

Stupid f-ing laws!

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I remember reading that it is legal for a nonresident to transport a handgun THROUGH NY to and from sanctioned shooting events..

However, there is no way that a nonresident can obtain a NY pistol permit, so there is no way that you can legally hunt with your handgun in NY..

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New York State Gun Laws


It is unlawful for any person to carry, possess or transport a handgun in or through the state unless he has a valid New York license. (A provision of federal law provides a defense to state or local laws which would prohibit the passage o persons with frearms in interstate travel if the person is traveling from any place where he may lawfully possess and transport a frearm to any other place where he may lawfully possess and transport such frearm and the frearm is unloaded and in the trunk. In vehicles without a trunk, the unloaded frearm shall be in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console).

A member or coach o an accredited college or university target pistol team may transport a handgun into or through New York to participate in a collegiate, Olympic or target pistol shooting competition provided that the handgun is unloaded and carried in a locked carrying case and the ammunition is carried in a separate locked container.

Non-resident target shooters may enter or pass through New York State with handguns for the purposes of any NRA approved competition or IHMSA sanctioned match, within 48 hours of the competition, if the competitor has in his possession a copy of the match program, proof of entry and a pistol license from his state of residence. The handgun must be unloaded and transported in a locked opaque container. This provision does not apply in NY cities not wholly contained within a single county or to people with felony convictions.

Possession of frearms by a person who is a nonresident of this state is lawful while attending or traveling to or from an organized convention or exhibition approved by the NRA, and in which the nonresident is a registered participant within forty-eight hours of such event, provided that the nonresident has not been previously convicted o a felony and further provided that the frearms are transported unloaded in a locked opaque container together with a copy of the convention or exhibition program, convention or exhibition schedule or convention or exhibition registration card. This provision does not apply in NY cities not wholly contained within a single county.

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Don't forget it.  Call or write your Congressman and tell him/her you want reciprocity.  You may want to think of other ways to express your view than "stupid fíng laws", though I couldn't agree with you more.

I find it hard to believe that people whom legally posses a handgun in their home state can not be trusted to do so in NY.  To add further insult to injury, there are several states that will recognize my NY permit.

So you've got these states which require no permit to possess a handgun.  They are not experiencing anarchy.  If anything, they're experiencing less crime.  So why are handgun permits necessary at all?

Here's a link to a site that has information on this issue.  http://www.handgunlaw.us/ The site gives the caveat to verify the info. 

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What I find ridiculous is people that claim to be law abiding, legal gun owners giving an insinuation that they will ignore the laws (regardless of my opinion of the gun law) and do what they want to anyway. That person would no longer be a law abiding gun owner, and I hope they get caught if they choose to break the law. Those are the types of things that give the rest of us a bad name.

BTW, putting such an insinuation on a publicly accessible web forum isnt too bright either. You arent anonymous on the net.

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Who said ignore it?  And you hope they get caught by a law that shouldn't exist to begin with.  Wait till they pass a law that affects your 2nd Amendment rights and they come for you.

I believe this law was put on the books with the specific intention of snagging as many, normally law abiding without malice aforethought, handgun owners as possible, allowing NY to convict you and remove your right to own any firearm, anywhere, after conviction.

I don't care what anyone says, this law serves no purpose in crime reduction.  Of course you have to obey it, but how many non-residents of NY really know NY has such a law on the books?  And if you say they should know, you also must believe it's OK to make gun laws so convoluted that gun owners need to be a lawyer, or have one on retainer, to be able to own guns!

What bothers me is, residents of NY allowed this law to get passed and have done nothing to protest it's passage and get it repealed.

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NY residents just better not allow this law to remain on the books.  Vote for a Gov. that will repeal it.  Does anyone really think some poor gun owning schmuck, who never got so much as a parking ticket, and who didn't know about this oppressive piece of legislation, should be taken from his family and job and locked in prison for violating it?

If you do, you really don't give a sheet about anyone's rights but your own.

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Who said ignore it?  And you hope they get caught by a law that shouldn't exist to begin with.  Wait till they pass a law that affects your 2nd Amendment rights and they come for you.

I believe this law was put on the books with the specific intention of snagging as many, normally law abiding without malice aforethought, handgun owners as possible, allowing NY to convict you and remove your right to own any firearm, anywhere, after conviction.

I don't care what anyone says, this law serves no purpose in crime reduction.  Of course you have to obey it, but how many non-residents of NY really know NY has such a law on the books?  And if you say they should know, you also must believe it's OK to make gun laws so convoluted that gun owners need to be a lawyer, or have one on retainer, to be able to own guns!

What bothers me is, residents of NY allowed this law to get passed and have done nothing to protest it's passage and get it repealed.

This isnt an insinuation that he will ignore the law?

Oh well....*sigh*

No LEGAL way to do it.  I guess I will forget it.    :)

Sure looks like one to me. Like I said, regardless of the way you feel about the law, it needs to be followed until changed. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. If you are looking to hunt in another state, you need to educate yourself on the laws and follow them.

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Then I'm sure you won't mind turning them all in when they make them illegal in NY.  I'm sure you wouldn't want to look bad.  It's coming.  Don't think it ain't.

Do I really think they will take our guns away? Not as long as we stay vigilant and support those who keep our rights safe (NRA, etc). Supporting or making excuses for those that break the law is only going to fuel the anti-gunners and give them more reason to take the guns away.

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What makes NY handgun owners look bad is a law in their state that demonizes a handgun as a weapon of evil.  If you support this law or it's enforcement, that makes you look bad.  Not the guy who gets screwed by it.  It's a shame that some NY handgun owners support this law when it is totally useless in preventing any crime at all and serves only to oppress handgun owners.

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What makes NY handgun owners look bad is a law in their state that demonizes a handgun as a weapon of evil.  If you support this law or it's enforcement, that makes you look bad.  Not the guy who gets screwed by it.  It's a shame that some NY handgun owners support this law when it is totally useless in preventing any crime at all and serves only to oppress handgun owners.

You want to play the twist your statement game huh? Im not playing it with you, read what I said. You can call me what you will, but I am a law abiding gun owner that supports the NRA and writes letters to my reps regarding issues I do and do not agree with.

If you choose to make excuses for those that break the law, then you are just as wrong as they are. Change the laws if you dont like them, breaking them damages the reputations of the rest of us and puts our rights in jeopardy. THAT is the real shame.

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I never said I support breaking the law.  I said I support repealing it.  I also said I don't believe anyone should get screwed by a law that is stupid and serves no purpose except to harass handgun owners.  You said you want them screwed by a stupid law just because it is the law.

The anti's could pass so many stupid laws hitting on every single aspect of owning any gun or bullet that everyone of us could get screwed for even thinking about having a gun.  This crap has got to stop, and it will only stop when all gun owners start to say ENOUGH!  I support prosecuting criminals, not making criminals out of ordinary gun owners.

This law must have had some support from NY gun owners in order to get passed.  If you think this law should've been, or should be, supported by gun owners, you are playing right into the hands of the gun banners.

I'm not aware of any organized opposition by any NY gun owners or group to this law.  That tells me NY gun owners don't care about any other gun owners because this law doesn't affect them.  Rather selfish and short sighted in my opinion.  We must hang together or we all hang separately.  Don't expect any support from non-residents of NY if NY gun owners find themselves under fire on their 2nd Amendment rights.  It is an obvious divide and conquer strategy by the anti's and NY gun owners are proving they are capable of being used.

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I  never said I support breaking the law.  I said I support repealing it.    I also said I don't believe anyone should get screwed by a law that is  stupid and serves no purpose except to harass handgun owners.  You said  you want them screwed by a stupid law just because it is the  law.

That is not what I said. I said that if someone were  to break the gun law, I wanted them to get caught and pay the price for  breaking it. Nice try.

The anti's could pass so many stupid laws hitting on every single aspect of owning any gun or bullet that everyone of us could get screwed for even thinking about having a gun.  This crap has got to stop, and it will only stop when all gun owners start to say ENOUGH!  I support prosecuting criminals, not making criminals out of ordinary gun owners.

Problem is, once you break the gun law, you are no longer an ordinary gun owner.

This law must have had some support from NY gun owners  in order to get passed.  If you think this law should've been, or should  be, supported by gun owners, you are playing right into the hands of  the gun banners.

I didnt say any of those things either, I said the law needs to be followed, whether you agree with it or not.

Im done discussing this with you, if you dont understand what I am saying, you never will. If you honestly believe you should stick up for those who break the law, then thats on you.

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Right now the anti's are trying to push legislation that says handguns will only be legal if kept in the home.  The law would not allow anyone to take them out of the home.  If that law passed, how would you feel?

The anti's come after gun rights one piece at a time.  We have to fight these types of laws every single time.  Any acceptance of any encroachment on gun rights is a huge mistake.  We can't just be concerned with laws that only affect us, we must protest laws that affect all gun rights.

To believe a gun owner should be arrested and prosecuted for violating any gun law that should never have been passed is a huge mistake for all gun owners.  This is a situation where you have to decide which side of the gun control issue you are on.  Either you stand with all gun owners, or you stand with the anti's. 

Think about how you would feel if you couldn't take your handgun into a neighboring state.  Think about how you would feel if a cop arrested your buddy, on your property, for handling and shooting a handgun you just handed him to shoot.  Think how you would feel if the cop then arrested you for an illegal transfer of a handgun to a non-resident?  See where all of these laws eventually lead?  And these are not fantasies.  They have actually happened to various individuals in various states already.

I'm not saying anyone should break the law, it's stupid to do so.  I'm saying I'll stand with anyone arrested for violating a stupid law because it would be stupid not to.

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