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So why all the articles about CWD making the rounds lately?


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There are a bunch of articles out recently about CWD and how it might be more transmittable to humans than previously thought, citing a study that showed that macaque monkeys, close cousins to humans, can get CWD from eating infected meat (or having it injected in their brain . . . .) The article that appears to have kicked off the current round of articles is from Colorado link (It has some cool pictures, btw.)

All of the current batch of articles cite a Canadian health advisory link that came out in April of last year. This advisory is based on a white paper that came out in March of last year link. So why the new rash of articles, when there is no new info out?

One notable thing from the March 2017 white paper is the following text:


In vivo (animal) experiments Results of CWD laboratory challenges of non-human primates are mixed. CWD transferred readily to squirrel monkeys orally (92%), but macaques, which are genetically closer to humans than squirrel monkeys, have demonstrated significant resistance, even to direct intracerebral injection.169 It should be noted, however, that recently macaques were shown to be susceptible to scrapie, but only after an extended, silent incubation of ten years.


But these findings are from a different 2015 study. So scary stuff, but again, nothing new. So why all of the articles all of a sudden?

(Really, I just miss 4SW as he hasn't been around much last the few days.)

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Here is why there are so many articles on CWD it’s spreading and contrary to what some think it is always fatal to deer. If CWD ever jumps the species barrier to humans it would mean the end of deer hunting. I would google CWD in white tail deer there is some good information out there on CWD.

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You might want to think about the new year and time for new funding.. Funny how you say its spreading to these animals and then say after its INJECTED into them?  After 60 years CWD has still never spread to any other critters without the help of man, a white coat and a syringe.  Yup its a bad dude.   About every state that has CWD for over 10 years now still have more whitetails then the did before they found a case.....After it was killed in another manner......Seeing thou no animal has ever been proven to die from CWD itself....Yup its a bad dude.

Funny that some are so afraid of eating CWD positive whitetails yet the country for years have been pulling CWD positive meat out of their local supermarket for years with no issues.  Scrapies in sheep is the same exact prion found in CWD laden whitetails. 

I think with The Donald now running things you will see the wasted millions of dollars givin to white coats will take a huge hit.  I mean after all....How many animals can you inject crap into their brains then say its possible that they could contact CWD.

Kinda like there is no test to test whitetail deer urine for the CWD prions yet they say the urine can spread CWD prions????   Oh thats right...................It was AFTER they INJECTED cwd prion into urine and then INJECTED that urine into an animal to make it positive.

Yup....Its One Bad Dude!

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  On 1/23/2018 at 4:03 AM, goosifer said:
There are a bunch of articles out recently about CWD and how it might be more transmittable to humans than previously thought, citing a study that showed that macaque monkeys, close cousins to humans, can get CWD from eating infected meat (or having it injected in their brain . . . .) The article that appears to have kicked off the current round of articles is from Colorado link (It has some cool pictures, btw.)
All of the current batch of articles cite a Canadian health advisory link that came out in April of last year. This advisory is based on a white paper that came out in March of last year link. So why the new rash of articles, when there is no new info out?
One notable thing from the March 2017 white paper is the following text:
In vivo (animal) experiments Results of CWD laboratory challenges of non-human primates are mixed. CWD transferred readily to squirrel monkeys orally (92%), but macaques, which are genetically closer to humans than squirrel monkeys, have demonstrated significant resistance, even to direct intracerebral injection.169 It should be noted, however, that recently macaques were shown to be susceptible to scrapie, but only after an extended, silent incubation of ten years.
But these findings are from a different 2015 study. So scary stuff, but again, nothing new. So why all of the articles all of a sudden?
(Really, I just miss 4SW as he hasn't been around much last the few days.)
You mean @Real World Hunter?

You Can't Beat My Meat!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/23/2018 at 4:48 AM, Larry said:
Here is why there are so many articles on CWD it’s spreading and contrary to what some think it is always fatal to deer. If CWD ever jumps the species barrier to humans it would mean the end of deer hunting. I would google CWD in white tail deer there is some good information out there on CWD.

And the cdc has already recommended not consuming animals that have tested positive.

It will have a huge impact whether it is a real disease threat to the herd or people. Look at the DEC and the urine ban sure to come in the name of CWD. For the record I see using deer urine as a tactic of hopeless hunters, however a ban on urine in the name of cwd is a really dumb unfounded idea. We also have an impending lead ban in the name of our health and eagles.

If political, you don’t need to sway hunters- just the 85% of the population that isn’t a hunter or anti. When we are recreationally killing; game over.

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  On 2/3/2018 at 12:15 PM, gjs4 said:


And the cdc has already recommended not consuming animals that have tested positive.

It will have a huge impact whether it is a real disease threat to the herd or people. Look at the DEC and the urine ban sure to come in the name of CWD. For the record I see using deer urine as a tactic of hopeless hunters, however a ban on urine in the name of cwd is a really dumb unfounded idea. We also have an impending lead ban in the name of our health and eagles.

If political, you don’t need to sway hunters- just the 85% of the population that isn’t a hunter or anti. When we are recreationally killing; game over.

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So many stupid statements in this post makes it not even worthy of a reply.  

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  On 1/23/2018 at 4:48 AM, Larry said:

Here is why there are so many articles on CWD it’s spreading and contrary to what some think it is always fatal to deer. If CWD ever jumps the species barrier to humans it would mean the end of deer hunting. I would google CWD in white tail deer there is some good information out there on CWD.


I don't think there is much chance of CWD spreading to humans unless someone is keeping them as a pet or something, But even then not likely. 

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  On 2/3/2018 at 2:04 PM, Storm914 said:

I don't think there is much chance of CWD spreading to humans unless someone is keeping them as a pet or something, But even then not likely. 


After 30 plus years of supermarket shelves full of CWD ladden meats someone would have already grown 2 heads by now?  

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  On 2/3/2018 at 8:52 PM, gjs4 said:


Says the guy who’s fenced in equity is where it all came from....

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And yet another stupid unproven comment about something you have no knowledge of.  I will just give one off many. State of Illinois over 500 cases in the wild yet none behind fence?

Yup....Stupid Comments!

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