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Public land trail cams?


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I was just wondering if anyone here has any or has had trail cams on public land?  I would like to leave one out in a new spot to see what's going on.  I know there would be a big risk of someone stealing it I'm just wondering if anyone else does it?

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I do it.

Typicaly don't set them at standard 3 foot line of sight height, and try to brush them in. Hide your straps as I think that's what gives away most cams is the contrast of them on the tree trunk. I try to mount my cams low and strap foliage and branches to the tree along with them.

You are taking a chance sometimes. I put mine in some areas that see a lot of foot traffic and fortunately haven't had one stolen yet. If you got some old camo garments to slice up and glue onto the cams it seems to help hide them as well.

I say the uglier they look the better they blend in to the natural surroundings so don't go for a snug fit that outlines the square shape of the cam.

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ive put mine on public land quite a few times... i actually got a pic of a 140" buck on trail cam once on state land. That was also leaving the cam at standard height but it was in a thicker area. next time the trail cams will be high in the tree looking down.

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I've put mine out on public land before. I'd wait till turkey season is over first. Also, try to put it in the thicker areas where people wont go. Thats where the big boys are anyways!  :D

  I totally agree with center punch.  I have put my cameras out in some high traffic areas but after the bugs come out and nobdy wants to be in the woods because they are sisy's  (J/K guys and girls).  After turkey season you can put your camera in alot of places that you usually wouldn't and it won't get seen or touched.  I would still lock it up if you can.  I keep mine out untill a couple weeks before deer season when people really start scouting then they come down.  By then you should have a good idea of where the big one is by then.  Looking forward to seeing your pics.

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