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Just rolled out of bed, first day of season.


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I put a couple nice gobblers to sleep last night.  I just got up and getting ready to give it a go.  If things go well I will have pictures up by noon.  If not, I'll be one cranky SOB this afternoon.  Good luck today.

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I was out and set up by 4:45am.  Sitting in the dark I watched a sliver of a crescent moon fade in ambience of the approaching dawn.  No crickets chirping, mosquitos buzzing, birds singing, only the occassional rumble of a vehicle traveling down the rural county route over a mile away.  I couldn't help but think how I was about to exact the ultimate revenge on the culprits that had destroyed nearly 2 acres of food plots before the seeds even had a chance to sprout and begin to grow.  It was a perfect scenario.  I did my homework.  I knew where the birds were.  I knew where they were strutting every morning for the past week.  By 5:55 am I was talking turkey.  At 6:20 am I was looking at my prey.  He was a less than 50 yards away, in full strut and closing slowly.  I couldn't help but imagine the hero pictures, the breast slowly cooked in a lemon pepper marinade, the story at camp, the fan and beard proudly hung on the camp wall and glow of my little boys face when they saw the trophy bird.  Then I reflected back to last fall as I sat suspended 20 feet off the ground looking at an estrous doe eye to eye after she busted me.  A bachelor group of gobblers had just roosted, which happened to be in a direct line with me and her.  Her natural curiosity led to my demise.  One loud snort and she was gone, taking any potential suitor with her.  Now it is revenge time.  Was it one of the birds that flew to roost last fall?  I don't know and don't care.  This bird isn't going to interupt anybodies deer hunt this fall.  The sights are lined up and waiting.  10 yards closer.  Then he stops and looks in my direction.  Gabl labl abl babl.  Then it happens. Devine intervention.  A doe had snuck in to less than 10 yards behind me and had me pegged.  A series of 15 blows and the gobbler who would have been one of my top three all time birds was on a full alert.  This big beautiful bird who had spent 10 minutes in full strut turned into a sleek, skinny black bird.  He retreated 20 yards and stopped.  A final gobble and he was gone.  Fortunately I wasn't busted by him, maybe tomorrow.  I did however get a good lood at this nosy doe and if the stars line up, she will be my muzzleloader doe in December.

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