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Xbows for turkeys??


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So, how many guys are heading out this season with a crossbow? Would a crossbow bolt be more or less destructive of the turkey meat than a shotgun? Where on a turkey would you shoot for the most reliable kill with a x-bow?

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My fear with an Xbow and compound is you’d whistle one right through body and have a runner with a body shot. Not sure if gobbler goutine broadheads are compatible with bolts.  As accurate as Xbows are that could be the answer. He can’t run and see without a head. 

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I am envisioning some nice breast meat with feathers being dragged through it in a great big bloody hole. Is that what the results are with turkeys that are shot with arrows or bolts? I don't know because I have never eaten  a bow or crossbow shot turkey.

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i shot one once with a broadhead , during the fall turkey season.  Had feathers all over the arrow and a little meat in the broadhead. Never found the turkey .   Not easy tracking a turkey blood trail.   And messed up my deer hunt for the rest of the day and nothing to show for it.  

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