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RR clover?

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I may be living under a rock, but is there such a thing as RR clover?

It would make our lives alot easier and less expensive. No more cutting the clover fields 3 or 4 times a year to keep the weeds down and replanting every 4 or 5 years.

Well we would still have to cut the clover.

Has anyone heard of a seed company that has it?



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I have been using Post & Arrow over the last couple of years. I believe they are only for the removal of grass that is growing in the clover plot and I have only had mixed results.

I have not found anything that will kill the weeds in clover yet.

If a seed company ever comes out with a RR Clover seed, it will be a hot item.

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I have been using Post & Arrow over the last couple of years. I believe they are only for the removal of grass that is growing in the clover plot and I have only had mixed results.

I have not found anything that will kill the weeds in clover yet.

If a seed company ever comes out with a RR Clover seed, it will be a hot item.

That's up to Mosanto (I think that's who holds the patents). I'm sure they CAN do it...but they probably haven't been able to justify the ROI or the fact that it may leech profits from their own leading products.

I strongly doubt any other company will publicly release it. Mosanto controls RR products.

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