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Hunting Lease - Cattaraugus County, NY

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Hello.  I have one large lease available in the Cuba/Rushford area that has suddenly become available.  It is 426 acres in the Town of Lyndon, on Rawson Road.  It has hills, some cropland, cattail swamp, oak forest.  There is a derelict cabin on the property that you may use.  I have personally hunted this property and know that it is a haven for turkey and deer, as well as waterfowl.  Price $7,242.00 per year for all seasons, exclusive rights.

I am a consulting forester, and these leases are for a client of mine (a dairy farm). This lease is all I have available. Because I don't earn much by doing these leases, I have a streamlined process in which I do them:


email me at [email protected] if you are interested, and I will send you a map, and you go look at it at your convenience.


If you like what you see, you can write or phone me and I will get you a lease agreement.


I can't hold the lease for anybody until you come to look at it or come up with the money. So many people look at a lease before they buy, that it is a race to the finish line for your signature and check.


Sign the lease, send a check, and you are signed up for a 12 month contract. the lease comes with the following stipulations:


You have exclusive hunting rights for all game animals.


You have first refusal if you wish to renew your lease.


No use of ATVs other than to deploy tree stands or retrieve downed game.


Only commercially available tree stands allowed.


NO nails in trees, or cutting of shooting lanes.


No camping on property (other than the one with the cabin)


You can have as many people hunt on property as you wish, but all hunters must sign lease.


Peter Collin


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