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Project Veritas on IRS scandal

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It scares the hell outta me, to be quite honest. And it doesn't stop with the IRS. What if someone at the local DMV doesn't like your political affiliation and refuses to give you a driver's license? What is your recourse if everyone at the DMV feels the same way. Or the local police station starts separating jurisdictional priorities by political affiliation. Or the Post office decides what mail they will deliver based on who you voted for in the last election?

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Look at what is happening in China. They have a 'social' points system there now, basically a political shit-test. If you or even friends and family are caught saying things upsetting to the government, your points are effected and this has an impact on services you can avail of. 

Here, we have started to see private companies and social media essentially adopt the same model in terms of them deplatforming people whose politics they do not like. It has already begun

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At the heart of this is the leftist idea that a big and all-powerful government is the best way to go. It's completely wrong, but it's what they desire. The IRS wouldn't have that kind of power if the federal government hadn't been allowed to grow unchecked. The last administration actually encouraged that kind of growth and expansion of power. The Obama EPA decided that they could tell me what's best for my drainage ditch, which is dry most of year, and how should "maintain" the rain puddles in my driveway.

Remember:"Tyranny requires cowardice, and cowardice desires tyranny"

Please, please, please get out and vote this November. And take 10 friends with you. We can't let the leftists win at all.

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I'll admit that I've forsaken the number one rule that "All politics is local", but Ive been focused for the last couple of years on the national and international scene without paying much attention to the local stuff. I certainly did go out and vote in the very local elections because the Town Clerk is my neighbor and the Town Highway Superintendent is a friend and drinking buddy at the Legion, etc. I know they won't screw things up.

I don't think either Scummer or or Gillyfish is actually up for reelection this year, but your  national congresspeople are. Again, I haven't paid a lot of attention to who's challenging whom around the state, but a vote for a Democrat is probably not a vote for our country. I'm sorry I don't know more.

If anyone here has a decent rundown or perspective of the NYS national congressional races, I'd be very happy to see that.


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The out of control train that is politics is being driven hard by the left. It's going to take a lot to slow it down. What started as a slow rolling steam driven engine years ago, is now a rocket powered bullet train. Between Cuomo and 8 years having a POTUS that was "Reversed" racist, is a huge issue that it's going to take a long time to get back under at least some common sense control.


I have posted once a month on my Facebook page begging people do their duty as Americans and vote. I also try and give them links as to why they should be voting Republican. I am bit biased as a gun owner, but this state also needs some serious tax reform, something done about "undocumented" people, and our welfare system to name a few.

Yet all Andy wants to do is build gondolas and destroy the Constitution. FUAC!

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22 hours ago, philoshop said:

At the heart of this is the leftist idea that a big and all-powerful government is the best way to go. It's completely wrong, but it's what they desire.

This is true as long as the government is on their side.  They see it as a big brother that they can run to after they piss off all the other kids in town and need protection.  That's why they hate Trump.  He's not going to protect them from the stupid stuff they do.  He's gonna give them the whooping they deserve when they do things that hurt America.


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