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Twice in one day .


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Ok as a FF ,I’ve never been one to stop at accidents and such while off duty, today on route to FLA twice in a day. First I’m driving 80 or so on large diveded highway and I see on the other side a tractor trailer stopped and a suv, then in the median I see a car that is just crushed ,I see emergency lights in route a half mile away, I brake and see the driver of the car sitting up . So I let up,on the brakes and continue on ,as FD is seconds out .

Later on a smaller diveded highway (301) see people running across the highway ,wtf ? Then I see another car in the median,then a car in the woods on my side of the  highway . I stop grab an ems  bag, extraction gloves and a bar from the Outback and with a couple others remove the lady, and place her in the back of my Outback while we await the FD and PD. I do a brief assessment  ( she was basically ok )  and inform the FD of my findings when they  arrive . She was take to hospital as a precaution.

Her car was totled ,although it’s hard to see in pic. She shot across median both of my lanes and into trees .

It was kinda funny being retired and out of state, civilians on scene are saying the car’s  about to catch fire,( it was steam from radiator,which I’ve seen hundreds of times, ) yet I didn’t bother to argue with them . Or try to take full control of the scene . Anyway cops were first on scene and very appreciative ,as well a FD .

One day down 28 to go .





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We’re in the Villages right now, but North Port for the month .

My EMS bag , is a zip lock bag  with some trauma dressings ,tournament and ems gloves . I tossed in a Stanley Fat Max bar, for smashing windows mostly ,and  some minor prying . If it’s more then a fender bender and no body is o/s I wouldn’t feel right driving by .


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