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Japan will hunt whales this season


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I just heard that the Japanese will resume their whale hunting again this season. They are doing it under the guise of "research" but in reality they are selling the whale meat to be eaten. I wanted to see how you guys feel about it. I personally think it's wrong but I'm also not too sure about the Sea Sheppard's way of stopping it.

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#1. I am against it. The whale population in the world is in danger and that's a shame because they are truly magnificent creatures.

#2. Since its an international affair, you can't really put a law on it. The Sea Sheppard's way is costly and can be labeled as assault. The only way to really stop it is a global boycott of the meat.

#3. Unfortunately, a friend of mine tried it just to see what the fuss is about and by his own words. "I won't ever have it again out of principle but damn! It was the tastiest meat I've ever had in my life!" I only mention this just to state that it is an uphill battle.

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Japan has always harvested from the ocean its an island!!!, i really dont see the difference between this and bluefin tuna fishing (the big fish are dissapearing) i don't think the ocean can sustain our human population harvesting it as we do. I don't eat seafood at all unless its farm raised usually freshwater fish. Cod, marlin,swordfish,salmon they are all in danger in my opinion.. humans seem to like them to much and with money to be made......

Edited by G-Man
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