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Scratching my head


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I have shot my son's Traditions in-line yesterday and today . I have been using 90 grains of Pyrodex to push a 240 grain sabot . I have been all over the paper .

Today I ran a couple patches through the barrel after each shot . If I didn't , it was difficult pushing the sabot down the barrel . I had never used Pyrodex before and had only used Triple 7 . I was trying to make it easy for my son who had never shot an in-line before .

My NEF was still loaded from last season . I put a primer in and shot it at 50 yards . I was 3" high but dead center . I had it sighted in at 100 yards . I will have to back to the range and try the Triple 7 loose powder to see if that helps .

Any suggestions ?

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I would try a different sabot/ bullet combo. If they load super hard, they are too tight, which will effect accuracy. Try some different powder loads. Switch to triple 7 and see. I have found that pyrodex is as dorty as black powder. I prefer 777 over pyrodex, but am in love with bh209. Is it scoped? if so check the scope to se if ti is tight, or it may be no good. Just a few suggestions off the top of my head. Did the sabots load easier after swabbing?

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Thanks Bob . I was shooting the Fusion 240 grain sabots . I couldn't believe how dirty the Pyrodex is . Wow ! We have a small range so I try to go over when no one else is there and I can take my time . I guess I will measure out some Triple 7 and use a different sabot .

My son installed his scope and I will double , triple check it for tightness . It's a Simmons but it worked quite well when he had it on his 270 .

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I had a similar problem when I first purchased my CVA Kodiak. It ended up being the cheep plastic rear sight on the gun. It would move every time I shot. I replaced it with an aftermarket metal and fiber optic sight and was able to sight the gun in. It was a very frustrating introduction to muzzle loading.

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We have been using Pyrodex 50/50 pellets for a few years now in our TC & Winchester inlines. We have to clean the gun every 3 shots sighting in. Otherwise, 240 grain sabots are all over the target. The pellets are so handy to use, but are dirty. Why is this? The harder the sabot pushes, the more inaccurate the gun becomes. Maybe a dumb question but , what are the differences in powder types? Ins't all 50 cal bullets the same dia.? Also, we can't use the power belts at all.

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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