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Corn n Clover

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Four acres of corn and four acres of clover= lots of game see trail cam photos. And A 1/4 acre cloverfield next to an acre of corn by the pond. Tried a lot of other plantings but these are the only 2 that can withstand the pressure and make it till spring!




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Nice plots good to see someone giving back some-

thing to our wild game.Don't what clover you planted

but whitetail institute has several forages that stand

up to heavy grazing they produce tons of forage for

your land look into their power plant product.This

product is well worth the investment.But your going

in the right direction.I had the same problem at first

over grazing so I plant a variety of forages.

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G-man, Love the plots and i agree for the most part with corn and clover. They are certainly King in Queen in the food plot kingdom. I would agree with hb about some of the W.I. products though and have had great success on our properties and for clients with some other blends. Sounds like you're no rookie at this and so i'm sure you've narrowed things down to what works best for you. If I anly could plant 2 then they would be it..

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Atta boy. We've done side by side tests with different clovers and the deer would litterally feed through the W.I. stuff until they got to the next brand and then turn right around and feed to the other side and turn around again. Have become a pretty big fan of the Pure Attraction if you dont mind doing annuals ever yr. If you haven't tried it you should try a test plot next yr. Keeps the deer happy from late summer through January...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I mow it 2x a year.. once late spring before the weeds/grasses in it go to seed, and once late summer. it last 3-5 years though i did get 8 out of one planting. Haven't had much luck with brassicas. clover draws year round and is great for turkey as well!!

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  On 10/20/2011 at 1:42 PM, tughillhunter said:

very nice set up. always wanted to do a nice clover plot, i use brassica and it sucks. alot of maintenance and the tractor is always leaking something when i mow it. Is there alotta maintenance with clover plots?

Tug hill, are you sure you meant to say brassicas? They are an annual and you should not be mowing them at all.. Let them grow and then let the deer take care of eating them to the ground during the winter months..
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