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Hello Everyone....

Alittle about myself... I have been hunting since I was 14... So about 24 years know... I hunt whitetails in southern ohio and live in florida.

I recently got into Videoing hunts and have been lucky enough to get in contact with a guide who has land that he hunts hogs/deer off of and he is allowing me to go out and video.

I plan on doing some reviews of some of my new gear I have including video equipment and hopefully once i get some good footage of a few hunts, I can get a video together and post it for everyone to comment on...

I enjoy hunting and videoing with editing and I hope to get good at videoing/editing one day to make my videos look great...

I appreciate being here and I hope everyones hunting is successful.

Remember, Hunt Safe......


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Thanks for the welcomes....

I am on about everywhere....

I love to read hunting stories from everywhere and the mix of advice is great....

I am just getting into videoing hunts and if anyone has any tips or tricks regarding videoing, that would be great.....

I think someone just posted an article in the new section about videoing hunts... Check there, I would look for you but I'm headed out to hunt! You know how that is! haha

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