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Adirondack rut going strong


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Driving home from a successful Adirondack deer weekend, i came across this old boy and his girlfriend, on a motel lawn in the middle of town.. I pulled over and watched him for a few minutes, and eventually wanted to see how close i could get for a picture............... In my Tacoma. These pics were taken from about 5 feet.. He would not leave the doe bedded down behind him. I suppose i should thank her for the photo oppost-1441-0-26161500-1320673492_thumb.jppost-1441-0-92836300-1320673499_thumb.jppost-1441-0-32430400-1320673505_thumb.jp

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you got some big ones getting that close to a rutting buck!

Thats why i stayed in the truck, he was stomping his foot at me a couple of times, definitley not pleased i was playing around when he was with his lady... I actually eneded up backing up a little and beeping the horn, causing the doe to get up and head into a little patch behind the motel.. We want deer like this walking, not winding up road kill or poached by idiots because a basically tame doe kept him by a busy road.

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