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Bellmorekennels and FJM beagles 11/09 Rabbit hunt!!


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Bellmorekennels and FJMbeagles, had a nice hunt today, very warm temperatures and dry conditions made scenting tough on dogs, but we ended up harvesting 3 rabbits, 1 miss, and a few more runs that resulted in either losses or holed up rabbits. A very nice outing, would like to thank Frank from FJM beagles for being a great host, enjoy the vidoes

Frank Shoots rabbit 1

Frank shoots Rabbit 2, breeze retrieves




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Bellmore, my daughter recently got a male beagle pup when she was in Pa. She passed a breeder and couldn't resist. Now I have been told I can take it hunting. I wanted to know what kind of training should I give the dog and how soon should I start? I think the pup is about 10-12 weeks old now. Do you do this type of thing? Is this season too soon to take out? Thanks for any help you can give me.

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You can get the pup used to handling and the outdoors by taking for a walk in the woods, but would be careful as the pup does not have rabies shot yet,plus you will have to decide what you want to use for tick prevention. Also would invest in either a tame rabbit or trap a live rabbit, and show to the pup, and eventually let the rabbit go in an enlcosed area so the pup can chase it . It is a long road to get a pup started, I have a contact that does start beagle pups, but usually not until they are 5 months old. If you are serious on the pup become a hunter, i have links to rabbit hunting sites I belong to, that would be great for you to join and ask questions, as geared for rabbit hunters and beagle owners. Let me know, glad to help anyway I can.


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Bellmorekennels, please send along some of those links to me in a Pm. My dog is getting up there in age, and medical issues, and want the next dog to be a hunter. Plus, the wife has a soft spot on beagles, so one might be a shoe -in candidate..Thx..

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Dave, I have a swiss hound, she is about 60#, but on the island the briars are so thick, hard for her to get into some spots. A lab would be able to flush a rabbit out, the difference is the beagles pursue the rabbit, even after it has been jumped or flushed, they chase the rabbit in a general circle back to the hunter.

But you could give it a try, you most likely will be able to shot at a few, just make sure your dog is not gun shy, as you will most likely be shooting next to the dog, some dogs will bolt when startled.


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