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food plots now

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Not that i know of. Take a break and use these next couple months to make sure you have yourself organized and ready for the spring. Having a solid game plan will save you many headaches as opposed to just hitting it without much thought in the late spring. Also use this time to make sure your equipment is ready to roll come green-up. The first three things on our spring agenda are. (1) frost seed any perrenials that need a boost. (2) Weed control where needed about the time you notice your lawn needs it's first mowing. (3) Start turning dirt as soon as the conditions are right for the tractors..

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right now I'm sketching plans...planning soft mast buys and seed....calculating fertilizer and lime costs...and marking trees for removal now and spring hing cutting....spring because the bark will be in a "slip" stage ...making the hinge less likely to break or splinter off...giving the tree a better chance of living for a bit.....

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