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Sweatin' to the oldies..


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Thanks everyone!

Guys, I'm at a loss for words to describe this crazy season anymore. Got my 8'th set and 36'th horn today.....I can't believe this season,lol. Four more to go I guess...

Here's what I first saw.


As you can imagine I was already thrilled with that. I snapped the ATL and stood up to scan for the mate. Sure enough it was hiding in the grass a few feet away.

I didn't get the best pic....the sun was making it hard to see what my camera was seeing but they're both in there.


outta the grass..they're in great condition for being on the ground a year.



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Nope, I like to play with them too often. Putting them in storage where nobody can touch them would be considered antler abuse,lol. :pogranichnik:

Dont play with them to much you might go blind err, I mean poke yer eye out. :lol: Get out any lately?

Edited by erussell
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  • 3 weeks later...

Horn hunting has been really slow now that I'm dedicating most of my spare time to chasing critters with the camera.

I do have a couple updates though.

First off I found another young dead buck on my hunting grounds about 2 weeks ago. Both his antlers were broke off.


I spent some time at my sis house this weekend helping her out with some yard chores. Decided to hike it home and came across this little 3pt side not 5 minutes from her backyard on a big piney ridge.

I didn't spend a lot of time in there, but I'll be back. It's a nice open area with no undergrowth... perfect for late season sheddin'!

Here's #37!



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Nice!! I was out the other day for a while with no luck!

Yeah, it's definately not getting any easier. Kinda limited to open timber now.

Fortunately I've got enough of those type of area saved for just the occasion, but it's a really random search.

This is where a a partner comes in handy so from now on, I'll be hiking with Lady Luck!

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  • 2 months later...

Hey boys....it's been a while.

Well, it took me a while, but mission accomplished!

40 horns on the season and who knows if any more will find me in the next couple months.

Here's #38 from July 1'st....it aint much to look at.

Some critter must have dragged this one outta hiding and dropped it on a trail I hike about 3x's a week. At least it's still recognizable and clearly a shed.



Antler #39 found me on July 21'st while hiking some thicket edges at the park. I was pretty excited to spot this guy but a little disapointed when I saw the chunk of skull attached to the base. I looked for a carcass, perhaps still holding the mate, but turned up nothin'. Most likely another horn that got dragged out by a critter.



....and finally today...August 3'rd, while on my way to check cams, I stumbled upon #40 in the open timber, still hiding under a blanket of leaves trying to avoid getting eaten alive by the critters.




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I must have passed by these antlers 5x's already this year! No telling how many times last year! Todays rain washed away all the snow and really made the "oldie green" POP! lol

I had both in the same ATL 5ft apart but you couldn't really see the 2'nd one all that well.

Anyhow, now that they've dried out back at home they don't look half bad and the green has toned down quite a bit. It's a nice tall rack with a good sweeping mainbeams....#15 & #16!




Will this green come off? What is ATL? Great pics
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Will this green come off? What is ATL? Great pics

The green is pernament, but when the antlers dry out it is a less brilliant shade...more of a "forest green".

An "ATL" is the original picture of the antlers where you found them before touching them. (As They Lay)

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Dag man you are lucky arent you!! Nice finds!! I spent about 3 hrs cris crossing about 10 acres of the most spider infested thicket you've ever seen the other day. Got bit by one of those nasty looking grayish black ones right on the arm. I was about to brush him off and crunch he bit me :O . Bastage!! Anyhow no Horn to show for it either, I wasnt expecting much but everytime I drove by it all I could think was I havent looked in there yet. :search:

Edited by erussell
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