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Definition of a "bearded bird"


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Considering i have yet to harvest a turkey in my life (being 41 is bad enough) i was wondering what the actual definition of a "bearded" bird in new york regs.

I understand a gobbler, but what about a bearded hen (not that i expect to ever see one or get one just asking) or what about a jake.

I guess the real question is what consitutes a beard...like an antler point has to be over 1 inch long to be considered a point...is there any minimum or if i can see it sticking out of the birds chest he or she is fair game.

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They have to have a visible beard...If you can see a beard protruding through the breast feathers, it is legal.

Bearded hens are relatively common in some areas, and jakes ( one year old toms during the spring season) will generally have a beard that protrudes from 2" to 6" from thier breast feathers.

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and to add to that a bearded hen is legal to shoot during the spring season, but not very ethical. If you see one she more than likely has a nest somewhere. Please refer to my disclaimer before telling me that is a bad opinion.

Edited by bubba
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Nothing wrong with that opinion at all. I consider myself a conservationist as well as a hunter. Shoot them all now and there will be nothing for tomorrow. I would rather eat tag soup then cheat to win. Nothing this year means more for next year and just a lilttle bigger.

Thanks for the advice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a while you will be able to tell the difference between male and female...whether they have a beard or not and even whether they break into a strut or not... they really don't look the same once you've seen enough of them... like anything else.. experience will teach you a lot.

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