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More PETA crap . . .


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This is ridiculous!! PETA wants to grow hamburger meat in a test tube??? Some scientist in the Netherlands is experimenting with stem cells from cattle to grow strips of muscle tissue in a test tube. The meat strips can be mashed together to create a hamburger patty. The color of the meat wavers between whitish pink or pinkish yellow.

Can you say - Blech!!!! :bad:


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Wait...didn't PETA has an issue with stem cell research? Not sure if they were flat out against it or they just simply disapproved of it. So they won't advocate stem cell research to help cure to help find a cure for cancer so we can save human beings but they would support stem cell research so we can save cows.

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Funny how they are all about "animal rights" but care nothing about a persons rights when it doesnt fit their hippy agenda. A while back They were tormenting a local fur dealer...Vandalized his home and store, trespassed on his property, blocked the entrance to his store, harassed his customers etc... and this went on for over a year. Instead of trying to get the laws changed, to male the sale of fur illegal, they attack an honest guy who is doing nothing illegal.

A bunch of spoiled little punks who think they are smarter than everyone.

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