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Do we need to renew our pistol licenses again ?


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1 hour ago, Bigfoot 327 said:

Hopefully the US Supreme Court will throw out the Sullivan Act next Spring and NY will replace it with something more "user friendly".


My understanding is the case is about constitutionality of NYC permitting process and not the Sullivan Act itself.  The new NYC Mayor elect Eric Adams has already gone on record that he hopes the SCOTUS upholds NYC.  If NYC loses I am sure the NYC pols will implement new laws to infringe and have the same effect; not something more "user friendly".  Appreciate these anti-2A pols already think the Rittenhouse verdict (which was a simple self-defense case only and nothing to do with gun laws) is a need for more gun control.

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If the current law is tossed it will be replaced. No doubt. Many states are SHALL issue and 21 are Constitutional carry. Florida for instance is a shall issue state. If you submit the proper paperwork showing you qualify (training, fingerprints and a photo) and pay the required fees; the state has 60 days to investigate you and issue the full concealed carry permit or prove why you are disqualified. Florida has issued over 2 million concealed carry permits. You do not need a permit to purchase a handgun (same procedure as a long gun) or to possess one in your home. Florida ccw permit is recognized by 34 states. In addition, Florida bans open carry of firearms unless engaged in hunting or fishing!

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