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Did you ever hunt in the rain?.


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Not to change the subject,I am a former member of Dear Search and had a Leashed Dog Tracking LIc.I gave it up because of a heart condition.When I lived on L.I.,I went out with Lee B.  a few times and it was at most times the next morning after she was notified and at times it rained or snowed over night,You would not believe how the dogs picked picked up the sent of the wounded deer.Now that I am in the Catskills with my two beagles and a Lab. they all go nuts after the rain when I let them out in the morning. The female beagle I think has the best nose and the lab is next.The both go out with there noses up in the

air and then planted on the ground.As said earlier in this subject I have also seen more deer coming out to eat just before or while it was raining.   

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Years ago, I was a victim of rain. I lost a fairly well hit doe due to a sudden downpour that began beating down just after I stuffed an arrow into her. I never even found the first blood or the arrow or anything. I spent the remainder of that day and part of the next day doing the "concentric circles" thing to no avail. There was absolutely no sign of any blood left at all. Finally, just as I was about to give up, I heard a commotion of a bunch of crows, and I went to investigate. As I approached, I saw a couple of the crows fly up from the ground, and I walked over and there she was. The hind quarters were pretty much eaten, probably from coyotes and/or foxes. Needless to say, I was pretty darn disgusted and didn't really take that whole event very well.

Since then, if it even looks like there is a good chance of a rain storm, I won't even go out. Blood trails can be ugly enough without Mother Nature applying an eraser.


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