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QDM Antler - Growth Bell Curve


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The Antler-Growth Bell Curve « QDM Works  Aug 15, 2010... provides a bridge over many of the false expectations, myths, mistakes and frustrations that lie waiting along your path to QDM success. ...

qdmworks.wordpress.com/2010/08/15/the-antler-growth-bell-curve/ - Cached    Something I found on the Internet, Can it work in NY?

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Of Mandated Points and Spreads  Aug 16, 2010 ... New York State deer hunter Jay Martin says the deer hunting in the ... In such cases, antler-spread restrictions do a much better job at focusing ... Of course, all those requirements are a lot to work through while a ...

www.americanhunter.org/articles/mandated-points-and-spreads/ - Cached

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I think a lot of bow hunters already use the "mature" judgment option.

A little more difficult at greater distances or in thick cover to judge a buck by body size/shape and demeanor.

Comes with experience and how would a new hunter be required to make this call?

I don't see how the "width" means of judging a buck's age has worked in the states that use it.

Must be more of a request than an enforced regulation...?

Some people are poor judges of distances or sizes.

In NY more than likely we'll see the antler restriction "points" criteria become more refined & widespread.

If we are going to promote harvesting mature bucks and also get new hunters involved, this is the better option.

The first two have judgment criteria than may not be favorable to a new hunter with limited experience.

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I just love how in both articles the talk turned into how it works in Texas.  Who gives a hoot about Texas where the majority of deer are behind fences these days.  That is not what we have here in NYS.  Big bucks can be had without AR's or any of this QDM mumbo jumbo.  Get out and hunt hard and you might get that big buck!

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