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If that grass wasn't in front of him he'd be our second buck to make Covert's marketing material and commericals. Gotta get this one this year...he was had last year and our buddy simply put one through him high way above the spine. So the challenge is on.


As far as posting pics...Larry has it right. We're pretty selective on posting pics of target bucks. The giant one's pic was posted on Covert's FB page and made some of its marketing materials and it spread around the country. One person on this forum even let me know someone in California put a bounty out on the buck's antler sheds if found - another d-bag used it in a scam to say the buck was on his farm in Ohio. Stupid crazy stuff happens. So as much of the info as we put out, we try to protect without drawing attention to our spots. I doubt I'll be sharing any other pics here this season unless there's a smiling hunter behind the buck. This was done just to appreciate the beast that he is.

Edited by phade
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Not speaking for Phade,but some hunters are protective of their area and don't like to,draw attention to it.

I've taken to looking at a guys profile page and noting the number of views it gets after a nice buck pic. Is posted. It goes way up,so,guys are checking that person out after the pics. are posted, what are they lookin for idk. Perhaps info like where they hunt.

The farm I hunt ,is controled ,managed if you will a large farm and few hunters. Guys won't even send pics to each other ! Want to seethem you have to stop by. Once it gets sent out ,you loose control of who sees it,and the whole area learns what you got. We've had poacher issues and work hard to limit it. Controlling pics.is one way .

In the old days you just lied to others hunters who stopped by at the road. " any luck? " "no"!

" how'd you do this year?" " oh a couple of does......" " where did you get that buck?" " in the woods......"

I know guys with 150"160 qnd 170 class deer who don't enter them In Any club ,put them in any newspaper . Some guys are like that.

Well Phade likes this post so there is the explanation I was after. It's too bad but I understand it. Why bring attention to a real nice buck. Heck it may tip off a poacher, you never know. Amazing how social media has changed our lives……in so many ways.

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