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You know what I don't like?

Centipedes................man they are freaky buggers. My buddy called 'em "million leggers"! When I see them, I call my wife.


. Ya , not a fan of them either. How many times have I picked up a rock looking for worms to find them things scurrying about. Although hiking Ithaca every year we encounter big arse millipedes camped out on big chunks of glacier rock trying to keep cool. I mean like 6"-7" long. Like something out of an Indiana Jones movie.
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 We remodeled our old house...hand dug out the basement cistern and put in new block walls and concrete floor...well we disturbed a few things in the process...House centipedes... they literally stand up on their jointed legs and run...OMG they also bite!! you'd love those Lawd. ....



Edited by growalot
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Well I can say one of the largest ones I have seen where up at Saranac Lake and some out on the farms out east LI.  The one I saw up in Saranac was huge, larger than a half dollar almost 2 inches long, that would freak me out if I was driving that's for sure!  I was not going near him!  Hope they killed the bugs for the trip!  FISHING!

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