Southern Zone bow season starts Oct 1ST for 2012 and 7 more WMU's get antler restrictions.
I,m in my tree stand otherwise id post all the info. Ill post the press release tonight.
I'm not forturnate enough to own property to mount cameras. What times are deer most active in NOV?
Morning, Night ? Or does it depend on other factors ?
Butchering my own deer is something that I want to get into. I have never butchered my own deer. I have taken all mine to a butcher. So when it comes time to learn I will come to this site for answers and tips.
Dave, my problem is I can't make enough of it! I gotta plan ahead. Sometimes, I have to RUN out to the scrapes to empty the tank! Sometimes it's tough to shut down, as I need to budget, depending on how many scrapes I need to service! Other times I about have an accident trying to get out every last drop! LOL
This buck was shot this past Saturday evening by my friend (pictured) in the ADAKS. It dressed out at 204 pounds and was estimated to be 4 1/2 years old. From what he told me,he shot the buck in a swamp at 80 yards with open sites.Monster_Buck1.pdf
How is their testosterone rush any better or worse than of those who think it's more manly to kill only big bucks??? I see mighty little difference. We all shoot what makes us happy and gives us a rush and it should continue to stay that way. Implementing QDM promotes one philosophy at the expense of the others when they aren't allowed to shoot what they want just because QDM people think they shouldn't be. QDM thinkers call everyone else selfish, when the truth is that they are the most selfish lot of all. The DEC manages deer numbers, and will never manage them for the benefit of the QDM thinkers. No reason to. Deer get shot by hunters and that is all that will ever be important to them. You want QDM, you can certainly participate in it on YOUR land.