I guess you can't yell back when you hear the bell ? Anyway, when we get to the range, we ring this good sized bell, get the table set up, walk the 100 yards through through the marsh, put up the target, walk back, get situated comfortably, load the weapon, and fire. I'd say it takes a good 15 minutes. We can hear voices in the woods all the time, yelling, or whatever. But, when you hear the bell, you KNOW what's coming. We hunt on 650 acres of land during rifle season. I'll bet I can be anywhere on the edge of our property and still hear the bell. If it was me, I just wouldn't hunt near a rifle range. If it's a prime area next to an apple orchard, then work something out with the members that since they know you hunt there, put up a sign at the range saying your in your stand. They don't see the sign, your not there. Generally, with hunting clubs, some kind of arrangement can be worked out.