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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/12 in all areas

  1. Where I hunt is barren........ bar·ren (brn) adj. 1. a. Not producing offspring. b. Incapable of producing offspring. 2. Lacking vegetation, especially useful vegetation. 3. Unproductive of results or gains; unprofitable: barren efforts. See Synonyms at futile. 4. Devoid of something specified: writing barren of insight. See Synonyms at empty. 5. Lacking in liveliness or interest. n. A tract of unproductive land, often with a scrubby growth of trees. Often used in the plural. [Middle English barreine, from Old French brahaigne, perhaps of Germanic origin.]
    1 point
  2. my husband and i have competitions shooting them. farthest and how many shot and closest and how many shots. we are about even but i will never say that out loud in front of him.
    1 point
  3. Why cant we just hunt what God gave Us . Why do we have to play with genetics in the wild?
    1 point
  4. Yaah....whats up with that? Gotta be "over the top" for sure.
    1 point
  5. The first bird I ever killed was with a group of about 10 hens. He would gobble it up but wouldnt leave the hens. So as quiting time was approaching fast I noticed they were walking right down a tractor trail on top of the field. So I went down to the next field and crawled on my hands and knees up through the field to the road and found some semi tall grass about a ft tall. I laid down and parted the grass and stuck the barrel out into the road way. About 10 min later here he came walking down the middle of the road all fanned out and at 10 yrds I shot his head right off his body with the old 12 gauge single shot. He went 23 lbs and 1 1/4 spurs. 10 1/2 beard. Best turkey hunt ever!!
    1 point
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