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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

Media Demo




Everything posted by ELMER J. FUDD

  1. Weren't they supposed to shut down a few months back? What ever happened to that one?
  2. What a fat slob. I usually see them busting their butt.
  3. If I'm hunting. I just turn around and expect the deer not to come from the down wind side.
  4. I slept in and blamed it on my son. Lol. Headed out now. Shorts anyone?
  5. You gotta be the WOLF! Oooooooooohhhh!
  6. Good man you are. Just remember who will be around when you aren't.
  7. Had a deer sneak up from behind this evening. It blew at us but didn't run. Hot and skeeters. Dutchess County...1st sit of the season. Feelin' good.
  8. I tell her if I fill my bow tags she can have me back until gun season. If I fill my gun tag, well you know the rest...
  9. Well good luck tomorrow. Hope it was a good one.
  10. Don't ask for a raise. Ask what you need to do to be worth more to the company. Write it down while you discuss it. Why were you looking at your buddies time card? That's a no no. Are you sure your buddy and you are on the same skill level? Don't expect much and you'll never ne disappointed.
  11. Swear to god she sent me this text the day after I posted on this thread. "I wanna go on a nature hunt with you and learn how to shoot a gun. Shooting range would be fun."
  12. Probably still pissed off because he can't figure out how to close his garage door....
  13. Don't worry, we know what we're doing. last year we made an instructional video at deer camp. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb9yhhflmvY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb9yhhflmvY
  14. Now you're gonna scare away ghug like you did that kid Forest Hunter from last year.
  15. As long as I can out run Doewhacker and Steve I know I'm good for our bear hunt.
  16. I should be up that way at some point during bow season. We'll hit the state land. I'll let you know.
  17. I'll help you hunt that deer in your avatar pic. Is that in Albany County? I hunt in Berne a bit.
  18. Phade's got it. Go look at the 8 pointers in my trailcam thread from last year. AR wouldn't help them reach maturity.
  19. Police evolved because there always was an abuse of power among the people. It's human nature. That article is quite null IMO. The same media that the article claims unjustly declares people cop killers is the same media that took that picture. I've expressed my disdain for certain police actions here before. If they would cleanse their ranks of the bad apples, it would restore the respect they used to have. Look at it this way. We all know the saying that while one gun owner commits a crime, however many (I forget) million gun owners didn't harm anyone. Well how many police officers where out doing the right thing while the ones in the picture above are SUPPOSEDLY abusing power?
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