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Everything posted by skyhunter

  1. how big do you think he was. I hear they are as small as cats when they come out. super find.
  2. thanks, the song could be worse; like: "rock the Casbah " now you're really screwed.
  3. I use a Bitzenburger. you can adjust right or left offset with a straight clamp or buy a helical clamp. I tried other cheaper jigs before buying the Bitz, and they were a waste of time and money.
  4. " oh Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey " (Toni Basil) got these a little while back. I have to say, for me the hooded merganser has been the toughest duck to get a decent picture of. while I collected hundreds of wood duck and mallards pix this season the mergansers stopped by for less than a week before migrating on, and while they were here they always seem to hang back. I was glassing the drakes at sunset and then moving sets after dark wearing chest waders in an attempt to surprise one. well I did mange to get a couple of decent pix but man did I have to work for them.
  5. had a Jake and hen out. I think I will give only hen a shot; thanks
  6. yes, same here in Orange county. very quiet early and no gobbling except for 2 birds that came into my set late at 10:45 and 11:30. they only gobbled after I had called. no bow shot on either.
  7. got this guy on trail cam on April 21st and had a bird that looked just like him at about 30 yards yesterday. he would not commit to the jake and hen decoys and then walked away, stopped and gobbled once, and then walked away for good. no shot with the bow. this was at 10:45 am. had another long beard come in 45 minutes later and he acted similar to the first bird. this time got to 22 yards standing behind a tree. 1 step to my left and I would have had a shot op; but again did not get a bow shot at him as he walked off, strutted a little but would not come back in. not sure the decoys are helping me. so many other stories of birds coming right to them. while I was very disappointed not getting a shot off, it was still a great hunt. it's not supposed to be easy.
  8. you will never forget the 1st with a bow. congrats on a nice bird and very well done.
  9. like how you framed the owl. very nice indeed.
  10. nice camera work and stealth to get those photos
  11. better hide the sheep
  12. congrats; he looks thrilled and I'm sure you are as well.
  13. quiet as well here in Orange. didn't see or hear one. couldn't hunt my favorite spot due to flooded creek crossing. had to settle for a close to home spot where I had been getting plenty of pics up until Tuesday. seems the birds were not in the area. try again Sunday.
  14. while shooting a wood riser compound bow with steel cables.
  15. I'll be out in the morn. Double Bull blind if raining; Ghostblind if not. have 3 NAP gobbler getters paired with axis and fire nocks in the quiver.
  16. thanks for the compliment. I really do appreciate it. unfortunately, while he said he was wrong in one post, he not apologize to me. instead, he did what he does: name calling. yes, I put the pics out there but am more concerned with sharing with my fellow outdoorsman than I am with making a profit. it's also advertising on forums which is a way to get your product seen. I 'm not concerned with the few dishonest among us nor am I looking to profit much from this hobby. thanks again
  17. thanks for that quote; I hadn't heard it before, and how true it is. I just happen to own a Mike Biggs photo of a whitetail caught in the act of jumping over a high barbed wire fence. I bought it years ago and have it on display in my home. It's quite the work of art, and priceless to me. as you also stated in your previous post, yes I have gone into the business of selling my trail cam pictures hoping to make a little pocket change; nothing big. I have had people make offers before but I was not prepared to print and sell photos. I am now making that offer. If you like something that you see; send me a PM. Of course this offer is only for those folks who wish to honestly purchase a high resolution photo of 5000 x 3752 pixels. I'm not the type of person who could look at a picture that I have framed and is hanging on my wall if I did not acquire it honestly. I guess like the guy who poaches a buck and then mounts it on his wall, some folks just don't have a conscience. Fortunately in this world good and honest out number the others and by a wide margin, especially true with sportsman of the outdoor world. we tend to live clean lives. thanks all for the support.
  18. nothing more needs to be said. you have clearly defined who and what you are.
  19. shot my 1st longbeard with the bow around 11:00 am. as others have said the Toms are on the prowl late morning.
  20. now it's my turn: 1) I didn't say you stole the picture. I did say by taking it for your own avatar you are using someone else's work to represent yourself. 2) yes, it was worth my time to PM you about it as I was very surprised someone would do that while hoping the owner would not notice. 3) you used the word "insane" and "whack job" to describe the person inquiring about your own selfish actions. 4) you used the "whack job" again in your next post. we have another guy on this forum that regularly throws out those and other similar insults. we all know from the crossbow threads who he is. you really don't want to be like him. yes, in your first PM reply to my inquiry you did say that you used the photo because it was a beautiful picture. next after my reply to your reply you sated that "it was hardly a work of art". can't you see that you have contradicted yourself here in an lame effort to downplay actions which you probably knew were wrong from the get go. as "Wooly" stated, there is a lot of hard work that goes into capturing images of wildlife, and in the eye of the beholder wildlife photos are absolutely "works of art".
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