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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by 50calpeephole

  1. It is, but I didn't have any other way to get him to close the or so 20 yards I needed
  2. Biggest buck I'd ever seen, last night, about 5:32, 44 yards away in brush. Hit the can to try to lure him in, he didn't like that at all, pretty sure I could still hear him snort wheezing about a mile away.
  3. Wind has died down, had a hawk land in a tree about 5 yards away a bit back, that was cool. Still no deer nor bear
  4. Can't edit my prior comment, but this will be my last reply: After spending a hour or so on hold with bowhunter-ed, they did some back end magic and figured out which OOS license NY accepts that can be done online through their program, the answer: MAINE Get your Maine online cert apply that for your out of state. You're welcome, happy huntin'
  5. $750 for a shoulder mount buck from the 2019 season. $1800 for a Bear Rug 2020 season.
  6. My tags are wedged into the side of a frame by my bedroom door looking sharp and clear. If they fade I'll let you all know.
  7. So if anyone ever pops along and reads this, know that bowhunter.com will require a NY address to check out. You can try to fake it by putting in your normal address, a popup will display saying "did you mean this?" with your real address, but it won't override the state requirement. I'm now fully trained and passed a NY state required test and still can't use my bow in NY.
  8. Normally I'd agree, but its not my first hunting course rodeo and I'm assuming that there's going to be a lot of overlap between my rifle course and bow, I'm also a fairly experienced archer, I've just never hunted with my bow. I'd seen the bowhunter-ed courses, but they do state at the bottom the requirement for being a NY resident- I guess I can just fake that and take the course anyway?
  9. Wait- tree rats are finally in season? Oh man, I've been wanting to try some four footed chicken for a while now.
  10. Thanks all for your input, looks like I'm going to have to sit through yet another hunting safety class. I'm having a problem finding a relevant class sadly. I was hoping there would be an online course, but it seems like the NY course over at bowhunter-ed.com requires New York residency and MA doesn't seem to have an online option there. Does anyone know of an online course that NY accepts?
  11. Hi all, this is probibly a easy question but I haven't had any luck trying to look it up. I've been a out of state rifle hunter for 5-6 years now, and this season I wanted to transition over to bow hunting to get out a bit early, when I went to purchase a bow tag online this year for the first time it was asking me for my hunter safety class certificate- do I need a special bow class? I know I needed to present my rifle cert back in the day when I got my first set of tags, but I'm unsure of where that paperwork is anymore. Is this one of those cases of I'd be better off showing up and buying a tag locally than using the online system?
  12. Making a noise works. Spooked a buck last year, gave it a good yell of "hey!" and it stopped dead in its tracks and turned. And then I missed because I rushed and I'm a shitty hunter.
  13. Ammo was extremely difficult to come by this season if you didn't have any. Where I was hunting in VT the local ammo shop didn't have anything in the popular calibers and hadn't for a while. My recommendation would be to keep what you need to sight in your rifle and survive through the season. I'll probably pick up 40 or so rounds throughout the summer, that'll tie me over for a new scope and hunting. If I wait and don't have any on hand I'm sure finding the bullet I want is going to become difficult.
  14. Come up empty shed hunting two weeks ago, looking forward to better luck on sunday.
  15. Coming up to the last hour in the woods for me, aint seen shit in 6 sits now. Been a tough one this year, grats all who have picked up a deer or will pick one off late season, I'll see you on next years opening day.
  16. Last weekend out. Got meat in the freezer, looking for that 8+ to walk by
  17. Trail cams are sending back plenty of deer pictures, but they're not moving in daylight hours. I read somewhere in the spring turkey licenses were up 30%, if you even just assume that the number is the same for deer licenses (and I'm going to assume there's more people interested in deer than turkey) you could be looking at the same 30% or maybe as high as 50% more hunters in the woods- That's a shit ton more pressure. Just in my own hunting property this year I we added 2 people to our hunting party, the abutting property added one, and another abutting property (which is a private rod and gun club) went from having 1-2 cars outside during the season to 4-5. The deer know what's up, if they haven't been bagged by the extra pressure (every deer processor I knew was closed to new deer by Wednesday of opening day) then they've certainly felt/smelled the heat in the wild and are bedding down tight. If you have a black powder tag, I bet it'll be a decent season, along with late bow.
  18. Squirrels everywhere tonight, no deer to be seen. Got my platform all set up for hunting this weekend, going to see ifnI can pick off Mr Big in the morning.
  19. With the record bumber of deer I've seen at the processor getting it done (especially on a buck tag) is going to be real tough. There's record number of hunters in the woods shooting record numbers of deer- my top 3 processors all closed to new deer by Wednesday of opening week because they were inundated. Its going to be tough.
  20. Took a doe this AM, first deer I've seen since Monday. Sure enough, about 45 minutes later two bigger doe walk by.
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