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Lucky118 last won the day on June 28 2022

Lucky118 had the most liked content!

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    7s. 7r, 4o
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 700
  • Bow

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Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)

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  1. Nice! Hunt in 4o, looks just like that. Usually take 2 weeks off to hunt and after a day's walk in the those mountains I feel like a train hit me.
  2. Mine finally broke. Forearm fell off it when I was shooting it. Never fixed it and gave it to someone.
  3. Killed alot of deer with a single 12 when I first started hunting
  4. Oh boy anyone got a measuring stick lol
  5. State land with a constant flow of orange past the camera during gun season. So yeah they watch and know where you are.
  6. Hunted turkeys in Alabama and Louisiana. I swear stateland birds will not fly down from their roost till noon. I know they can't be that smart but I've seen it alot.
  7. Still waiting for my 2020 pa rifle buck to get done from my taxi. Better be awesome lol
  8. 3 miles from the car I do it all the time. Especially if it's close to dark. Shot one in my spot and cut it up in the dark and packed it out. Really makes you think when you have one in front of you. How bad do I really want to do this? Lol
  9. 21 doe first day, 19 2nd day, 1 yesterday. No antlers at all so far this gun season.
  10. Apple trees are bad for this also lol
  11. I never set up in a field. Alway set up back off the field to intercept when they are going to field. One night freezing to death in the dark with 20 deer under me taught me that lol
  12. Don't get shot in the guts. It will take a long time to die lol
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