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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Can't buy toilet paper, so you've gotta spend your money on something I guess.
  2. No baby wipes at our local store. We'll be using them sparingly on our daughter for a while. Craziness...
  3. Some really cool visuals of how a virus spreads in different scenarios. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/corona-simulator/
  4. All the wind yesterday has blown all of my neighbor's leaves into my yard, so even if we run out of to we'll be set for a little while
  5. I hope there's no hard feelings though, just a different viewpoint. I know that I hold no I'll will towards anyone I disagree with, and admire the knowledge that is shared around this forum.
  6. I hope no hard feelings though, just a different viewpoint. I know I hold no I'll will towards anyone I don't agree with.
  7. And I would feel better if he was, I guess we don't agree.
  8. Totally agree, but we all know it will become one. The Democrats will rip Trump up (already are) and Trump will blame the Democrats (already has). We've already seen the polotics of the H1N1 show up in this thread, and that was over 10 years ago. It's a symptom of our current culture, and I'm as guilty as anyone.
  9. Nothing wrong with differences of opinion, it makes being right feel so much better That was a joke by the way, I know how often I'm wrong, my wife has told me
  10. I stand by my previous comment. However, I won't fault you for supporting your guy. I spent 8 years standing up for mine. However, don't play like all of the sudden it's not fair. Fox News is as unreliable as anyone, and they didn't have a minutes love for Obama. It happens every single time, your guy or my guy, the other side just won't give him a chance.
  11. Welcome to being charge, the buck stops on your desk. Republicans spent 8 years raking Obama over the coals, and continue to today. Obama did it with grace, we'll see how Trump chooses to compose himself. Trump wanted this job, it's his to own, the good and the bad.
  12. Trump has plenty messes of his own making to be cleaning up. I just hope he can manage it. Not being a Trump supporter, I know I'm biased, but I really have my doubts... I just really hope he isn't sick. He doesn't look good. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/03/here-are-17-ways-the-trump-administration-bungled-its-coronavirus-response/
  13. For anyone wanting to compare Covid-19 to other outbreaks like H1N1. An interesting read. https://about.futurelearn.com/blog/covid-19-how-does-coronavirus-compare-to-other-outbreaks
  14. Our District 4-H was supposed to have our Horse Quiz Bowl at Guilderland High School tomorrow, but we heard about the case yesterday and rescheduled to next month.
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