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Gobbler Chaser

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Everything posted by Gobbler Chaser

  1. As far as emboldening Islamists to wanting to kill us, everything we do over there makes them want to kill us. We are there militarily because big oil billionaires around the world trick us into sending our young men there to protect their businesses and profits with our blood, never theirs or their children. Biden didn't blow anything, this thing was going to be a mess no matter what.
  2. No nerves struck here. You asked me I gave an answer. As far as posting photos of myself on the web, I'll leave that to the outgoing types like you. I don't know why I'd think you'd be the slightest bit scared of me unless you are. If that's the case seek help.
  3. Absolutely happy, other than a few piss poor bass ackward states this is America and American Taliban such as yourself will never get between a women and her personal choices in life.
  4. You sitting on the crapper while making this post, LMFAO!!
  5. That's for the short reply. Now let's hear your in detail plan on how you would've gotten us out of Afghanistan without a single casualty all while being in the most vulnerable position we've ever been in in that war all while airlifting out over 100k people
  6. Because Bush got us there in the first place. And now why don't you give us YOUR in detail plan on how we could have gotten out of Afghanistan without any risks or casualties while evacuating over 110 thousand people. Can't wait for this one
  7. Biden weak? I don't ever remember Biden groveling to murderous dictators like Putin and Kim Jung Un. Can you admit that Goerge Bush invasion of Iraq was a disaster loosing 8 thousand Americans because there were supposedly weapons of mass destruction there. This withdrawal like anything else that happens in the middle east is a disaster. End result is we will be out of Afghanistan. It was inevitable that there would be blood shed and there will be more. This kind of operation puts us in a very vulnerable position. But not any more thanks to Biden. We never should have been there in the first place. Nothing but a big money maker for Cheney, Bush and countless other Halliburton billionaires who's children would never be put in harm's way to protect this country
  8. Trump and the republican party didn't have the balls to do this because they knew it would turn out exactly like this. Not to mention Republicans are beholden to the military for profit war machine which keeps us in useless wars for an eternity.
  9. So I'm finally seeing what has you guys in such a tizzy. When this Afghanistan fiasco of 20+ yrs ends, and it will, it will be a Democrat president who finally had the balls to do it. We've had four presidents who dilly dallied in that hell hole and never did a thing. The last buffoon we had in office didn't know the difference between IED or IUD (pretty sure most here don't either) or did he even care to know. Joe Biden will be the president who finally got us out of Afghanistan. Everything else being spouted by the right wing Trump loving hysteria media machine by armchair generals will be long forgotten by the time the midterms come around. I see why you guys are so skeered now.
  10. So I guess we're not counting the 8000 dead American servicemen under George Bush's presidency. Funny how the head count on casualties only starts with Joe Biden.
  11. I'll go one better. As Puddy from Seinfeld used to say Yea That's Right. Lol!
  12. Everybody has opinions. Over 100 thousand people have been airlifted out of Afghanistan in the last few days. I'd say it's safe to say at this point that all Armchair Generals just shut up and let the real heros and leaders do their jobs.
  13. He exceeded your expectations. Do you think Red Lobster is a fine seafood restaurant too. LMAO. Oh and I would watch my step with suggestions of a former first lady needing to die.
  14. I saw parts of Trump's rally the other night. He suggested to the crowd that they get vaccinated. The crowd booed and he did an immediate hasty flip about face to individual freedoms and choice just like any good NYcity ConMan Shyster would be expected to do. LMAO!
  15. Wow, haven't seen anything yet in my limited time in the woods. But I'm in 3j and will be walking my property tomorrow..thanks for the repost
  16. Your not in charge and never will be. Leave national defense and getting out of the world's hell holes to the adults. We're getting out of Afghanistan whether you like it or not.
  17. No nailing it. That's a term best suited for those who play video war games. When all is said and done we will be out of Afghanistan
  18. Your rambling mindless know it all posts are too long and not worth the time reading. Your just another armchair quarterback. We're getting out of a 20 yr mistake and your bloodlust will have to be satisfied elsewhere. Get into the Walking Dead, plenty off blood and guts for wannabe old men heros such as yourself. And as far as me being some kind of minority you couldn't be more wrong. Your Cheeto Messiah lost in a landslide. Learn to live with it or seek help ole fella.
  19. So your saying we should have relocated 1/2 of Afghanistan's population into the United States in a long drawn out evacuation over the period of months, maybe even a yr, lol.
  20. Prevailing winds usually come out of the west most days during hunting season. I would think further down the saddle. Thermals could be a problem especially if your bow hunting and having to be close to your game. For bow you have to be scentless to a point. For rifle I would set up higher on the lower portion of that saddle
  21. So what would you suggest, another 20 yrs, another 2 trillion tax payer dollars, more dead soldiers. Sounds like sending good money after bad. This pullout is what polls, all polls clearly show the American people wanted. After the dust settles and the right wing sh*t stirring machine has nothing to cry about anymore Biden will be looked at as a hero for having the stones to finally get us out of the lost cause of a toilet. The adults are in charge now. Your guy was soundly beaten after only one term. Learn to live with it
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