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Everything posted by 9jNYstarkOH

  1. There is more to this story, the U.S wanted Poland to directly send migs to Ukraine and the migs would be replaced with free “from the U.S tax payer” f series planes. Poland declined to give them directly to Ukrainian and said they would return them to U.S base in Germany for the f series. The U.S did not want to be the one to give Ukraine. Seems instead the U.S wanted to drag another nato ally into the fight but not do it themselves. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/fighter-jets-ukraine-poland-deal/
  2. But you should not have the option to buy the slave made Nikes because the U.S sanctions, bad countries that do bad things right? It’s not just the oil buying it’s also things like visa and Mastercard cutting ties with Russia pushing them to use Chinese credit card systems, the world is pushing the two together as china will do business with anyone and that’s all that is left for Russia. But my original comment was for VH saying the “united economic offensive” as its is not so united if Russia still has a avenue to sell oil and gas.
  3. If we continue to buy slave made products from china why the hell not. We aren’t standing on the high ground most think we are. If china invaded Taiwan do you think we would stop buying from them?
  4. Isn’t China still purchasing oil and gas from Russia. Seems Biden is just pushing china and Russia closer together, great idea.
  5. We never had fuel prices this high under Trump and Bidens actions are to blame look at EO13990 for example.
  6. It’s a type of acid that triggers a early response to a disease before the plant actually has it.
  7. I like to put two aspirin in with all my tomatoes it helps with blight especially with some heirlooms. https://www.tomatobible.com/aspirin-for-tomato-plants/
  8. Some information from 8 years ago on U.S involvement in Ukrainian. 23 mins worth a listen.
  9. What percentage of his businesses went bankrupt compared to the national average?
  10. I think you don’t fully understand everything that the convoy is protesting, it not just Covid mandates. Here is a link to their website if you care to learn more about their cause. https://thepeoplesconvoy.org/
  11. I would not think the trailers would be loaded with anything other than supply’s for said protest. If they are stealing by not delivering medical supplies or baby formula I am sure we would have heard about it. You can not just not deliver a brokered load that would be theft. These people own there trucks and businesses and can operate them when and as they would like.
  12. I have and will again vote for Trump on policy’s not personality’s. But I hope for a candidate other than Trump that shares a lot of the same policy’s that is more palatable to voters such as yourself.
  13. I am not as much of a staunch Trump supporter as some. I agreed with a lot of his policy’s and appreciated how his policy’s led to more money in my pocket. But I agree with what some other members have stated Trump should step back and the Republican Party should run another America first candidate. As the media has made him toxic and if he steps back I believe other America first candidates would have a better chance. I also believe the pendulum is swinging back hard against the progressives and if Trump is as America first as some hope he is, he will step back, endorsing some candidates where palatable and let the American first and conservative movement prosper.
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