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Everything posted by 9jNYstarkOH

  1. Reads like admission of election interference and fraud cleaned up to falsely pretend innocence. https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/
  2. The government should be subsidizing the r and d for large scale dme fuel operations instead of wasting money on dirty solar and wind, also what’s big oil pr budget have to do with it. And if you look at the money BP is spending on clean energy you may be surprised. https://www.greentechmedia.com/amp/article/bp-to-invest-5b-a-year-on-low-carbon-and-cut-fossil-fuel-output-by-40-percent-by-2030
  3. Before we can even think about electric cars for the whole nation (again I am against this dirty “clean” energy) we would have to have trillions dumped into the power grid infrastructure across the whole nation which would cause much more environmental damage than the keystone xl pipeline. You can not have house grade solar systems charging cars in any reasonable time. I honestly believe solar is a waste of time, money and resources we should give more money to dme fuel r and d.
  4. Overwhelmed they opened outside gates first, opened capitol building doors and where taking selfies and talking with these rioters one saying “I don’t agree with it but respect it” (video proof of this). Also why where capitol police presence kept to a minimum optics. https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/6620195002
  5. No the justice system Is treating people differently. You may feel differently if it was your business burned to the ground. The damage done at the capitol riots was not a drop in the bucket to the damage done by blm and antifa rioters. Again protest are fine but damage done by rioters is not and which group caused the most damage?
  6. I am talking about the multiple cops that allowed the first protesters (video proof) on to capitol ground and inside the capitol building. Not aruguing at all, just asking how can someone be trespassing if let in by the legal authorities? As I do not believe they can be charged for trespassing. And why do we now have billboards for these rioters and we did not have any for the rioters of all summer that where not invited into any of the businesses to loot, damage and set fires is also a good question.
  7. How so legally, if they were invited in how can they be trespassing? Who has more rights to invite them onto capitOl ground than capitOl police?
  8. Is it okay if they were let on to capital grounds and into the capital building?
  9. Also courts have already made a ruling on 1st amendment rights on this private companies platform in the past. I am not saying it’s right but shows the court does take interest in 1st amendment rights on Twitter. https://apnews.com/article/technology-politics-new-york-lawsuits-u-s-news-1be2575e8310788c9dd7558042af5f4b
  10. Guess my above post did not cover it for some. @Robhuntandfish if you do not open your house up to the public for your advantage than you can control it without worrying about the public’s constitution right but if you do open it in this way you will have to take their right into consideration.
  11. More body cam footage (do not listen to with kids around) mom should be jailed what a terrible situation.
  12. This should cover it https://www.lexisnexis.com/community/amp-casebrief/casebrief-marsh-v-alabama
  13. More video proof of capital police opening gates and allowing first protesters on capital ground.
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