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Everything posted by 9jNYstarkOH

  1. Sorry for your loss, our family dog Barrett also past this week on Tuesday.
  2. My guess all smoking the same blunts, sharing the same straw or a orgy is how everyone got it. But I always like to imagine people are having a good time. Either way 23 for 23 had to be some type of very risky behavior
  3. Got a early start for me anyway on firewood. We got 3 loads Saturday free from a country club. Probably 8 more loads down there, I will try and get some more loads out in the coming month as they want it gone.
  4. This is getting old I did not even offer a opinion than you gave me one “IMHO” than you stated I should watch the trial before drawing my opinion after you stated you had something other than a opinion as you had watched the whole trial. Also you started this with he was suffocated I asked how someone with a normal O2 level was suffocated and you provide no facts which this whole thread has been lacking. I will bow out and we can catch up again in trail cam forum “what is this” as it was much more enjoyable.
  5. So let me get this straight I should watch the trail before drawing my opinion but you have something other than a opinion after watching the trial.
  6. Still waiting for someone from the medical field to answer how someone with a normal O2 saturation level is suffocated.
  7. Is the other part starting threads asking for others opinions and then calling them a idiot if it doesn’t match yours? Or is this just a I side gig?
  8. You should be excited to read the body camaras transcripts for more information on it trial as you must be very interested in it if you have watched the entire trial.
  9. I am not trying to say anything, I am stating what actually happened and provided the transcript for people to read what actually happened. The transcripts are not mine or anyone’s opinion of what happened. Also, so people know the officer’s reasoning for removing him from the cruiser. You seem to have a strong opinion. Do you honestly think they removed him from the cruiser to kill him? I know I probably do not understand what I have read, as you have stated before. But, the transcripts are pretty easy to read. Give the transcripts a good read before replying to my question. It’s alot better information than an opinion piece.
  10. George Floyd stated he was claustrophobic and was freaking out in the cruiser and asked to get out on the ground. Read the transcripts https://amp.kstp.com/articles/body-camera-transcripts-reveal-new-details-about-night-of-george-floyds-death-5786631.html
  11. 98% oxygen saturation, I am not a doctor but would this not mean he was breathing. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/548460-pulmonologist-claim-that-carbon-monoxide-couldve-contributed-to-george?amp
  12. Well help me understand what from the cdc statement I provided on your request states anything other than 6% died of covid alone and not comorbiditys and covid. Which was my original statement. Again I am happy you got the vaccine that you wanted.
  13. No problem and a link just scroll down to table 3. Which is pretty much what your article states but the article and myself are currently wrong as it’s up to 4.0 comorbidity as of now. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm
  14. The cdc says that 6% of the people died of covid alone and the rest died of covid and on average 2.5 comorbiditys. So at that 6% currently number of deaths for covid only would be 33,584. Do not see any comorbidity data on flu or pneumonia on cdc sight but I may have missed it but the average for the flu is 61000 deaths and pneumonia is 41000 deaths in last 10 years. Without all the data all these numbers are indeed worthless so all you can do is be happy you got the vaccine if you wanted it, I am happy some people are willing to take it and provide more data and studies for others to make our decisions on.
  15. I aslo looked for a while for archery licenses sold, including in the management report. I can find harvest data but not archery licenses sold which would be the only way to truly know if archery participation is maintaining, growing or declining.
  16. Do you know of anywhere to find the archery license sales data for the past 14 years. Curious to see if archery participation is tracking with overall hunting participation, increasing, or decreasing.
  17. I got doe tags online last fall with no problems as a non resident lifetime license holder.
  18. Looks like black paint for damaging the building more.
  19. First time trying glad I had my cousin grab 6 12 packs on his way down.
  20. The future, wind mills last 20-25 years than get cut up in stuck in landfills what a joke. https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2020/02/05/wind-turbine-blades-cant-be-recycled-so-theyre-piling-up-in-landfills/
  21. As a fireman do you recommend running extension cords all over the place over using the lockout? I know the attached garage is not the best but with the 1 1/2 bay door open and the two windows I do not get any carbon monoxide buildup, verified with my PAM I brought home from work also the whole house is hard wired monitored.
  22. Generator lockout for the main was installed in 2007 when house was built and inspected and again in 2018 when I bought the house. Now back feeding through the dryer plug was not but does the exact same thing. Just have to make sure you shut the main off to not harm the lineman which is what the lockout does which I still use but I back feed the dryer 220 receptacle not the generator 220 receptacle.
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