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Everything posted by 9jNYstarkOH

  1. Says the quiet part out loud, hopefully the sec does something as this is a free market not on where only the elite should have the option to buy.
  2. Even Biden does not think he’s the president wtf.
  3. You can look at both ways Trump was condemned by the left and some on the right encouraged it. Now the right condemns Biden doing it and some on the left are encouraging it. If people would look out of both left and right eyes they could see better.
  4. Is this fair and/or legal seems like they are rigging for the hedge.
  5. A lot of people throwing in a couple hundred to add to the dumpster fire not for gains.
  6. I don’t play to much risk for me but fun to watch not sure if they can/will jail them but look for a bail out for the hedge and backing bank.
  7. WSB kicked off reddit and discord look for them moving over to a .win
  8. Did you quit your job today or are you also self centered along side the rest of us? Do you needed two horses or just enjoy them and don’t care about them polluting? And how should we address the fact that as we send production overseas it only causes more pollution due to lack of regulations? How much time do we have left and what is out of wack? Studies show the earth as gone through multiple heating and cooling cycles but I agree we should work on renewable resources but as a fellow axe splitting wood burner if you think firewood is clean renewable energy as compared to natural gas your crazy. If you want to look into a cleaner renewable energy source look into the future of DME as a better stepping stone then EV’s or solar.
  9. Biden already said learn to code LOL. I agree burning fossil fuels has a effect but the big picture is we are wasting money on bs subsidies for shit technology when it should go into r and d of renewable resources that are solvent. And for you to say jump ship on oil with no solvent answer is just as ludicrous as you quitting your job with no solvent answer. To get back to the start the same goes for shipping oil by trains not a pipeline. i am happy to have kids as it bring a lot of joy to life but I get it as it is also a large responsibility to bear. If we go the direction Democrats want to go the caravans won’t be coming for jobs, hand out maybe if we can still pretend to have a economy to give them hand outs but that ends when the US dollar stops running the world economy. They will most likely stay in their origin country or go to one with jobs which won’t be us. It’s not all or nothing but EV are doing more damage than good just because we don’t see it doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem same with sending manufacturing to China. Being powered by water is a whole different issue fish migration. Solars could be great in the future but currently panel recycling is nonexistent and again the rare earth metal mining is terrible.
  10. As a mason you should know cement leads to 8% of the CO2 emissions are you quitting your job tomorrow or should we draw the line where it effects you. https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/science-environment-46455844
  11. Look at diabetes rates per ethnicity this is just Biden being racist again. Joking but sadly true.
  12. There is always exceptions to the rule but the studies show it is in general a bad idea. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2015/09/10/marine-experiment-finds-women-get-injured-more-frequently-shoot-less-accurately-than-men/?outputType=amp https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/women-in-combat-put-men-at-risk/2015/12/11/f0e00768-a04b-11e5-bce4-708fe33e3288_story.html
  13. Let’s spend millions and years on this elections fraud like we did the Russian collusion fraud and everyone can still have the same opinion in the end. But at least we can show the actual results and if fraud changed the outcome of the election it’s only fair.
  14. Next look in to the water and land pullution caused by the lithium mining process and see how environmental friendly it is not. Joe Biden’s EV fleet will cause massive environmental and physical damage mostly to poor rural areas in third world counties. For example it takes 500,000 gallons of water to mine enough lithium for 75.75 Tesla batteries. So let’s do the math 645000 government vehicles divided by 75.75 =8514.85 8514.85 multiplied by 500,000 gallons of water= 4,257,425,000 gallons of water needed to change over the U.S. fleet to EV seems environmental friendly? https://www.wired.co.uk/article/lithium-batteries-environment-impact
  15. I think that no business should need subsidies, renewable energy or fossil fuels but only one is actually solvent enough to survive without subsidies. https://blogs.ei.columbia.edu/2019/09/23/energy-subsidies-renewables-fossil-fuels/ https://www.instituteforenergyresearch.org/renewable/fossil-fuels-dominate-u-s-energy-production-but-receive-a-small-percentage-of-federal-fuel-subsidies/amp/ The Georgia senators stock trades where all over MSM when the story broke and you are free to bring it up now as you were when it was a current event like Buffett and Pelosi deals are now.
  16. I find it funny as Biden and the leftists call 74 million Trump voters nazis but want unity with them. Who would want unity with a nazi that is one of the many examples that shows the left has no sense.
  17. It’s sad the low information voters that voted for Biden to save the environment. If you find buffett interesting you should check out Pelosi's Tesla stock buy options in December and now Biden want all government vehicles to be EV. It’s not hard just follow the money as it runs into the swamp.
  18. Look at H.R. 1 in Congress they are trying to legalize the fraud not fix it, it worked so well this time. https://sarbanes.house.gov/issues/hr-1-the-for-the-people-act
  19. Make sure you get your commie girls overseas as the domestic antifa girls don’t look like that.
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