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Everything posted by 9jNYstarkOH

  1. No firm receipts but a smartmatic tweet from September 2017 and I would not advise anyone to take it as a fact as most of this Twitter stuff is garbage. https://mobile.twitter.com/smartmatic/status/912596356442845184?s=20
  2. This may help with the understanding of less lethal or non lethal force as no force can be called non lethal do to many variables. https://fas.org/programs/bio/chemweapons/documents/Lewer and Davison.pdf
  3. If some discipline (gentle nudges) was taught to this girl by parents, teachers and others who should be positive roll models in her life there would have be no need for the cops is my point. But at this point if anyone of those people actually disciplined this girl they would be the ones being arrested and sprayed if resisting so we have these situations. And people can pick sides on this incident but the coddling of kids and not allowing some discipline by people in these kids life’s will continue to cause police to come into family situations that they should not have to be involved with and will continue to have bad results.
  4. I was more than gently nudged by teachers growing up at times but I went to a smaller rural school. I was in the wrong and caused the teacher to react in this manner and no one freaked out and the only one mad about it at the time was me. Looking back now at 35 I think the teachers was right and I should not have caused the issues. But today everyone wants to coddle kids so a gentle or more than nudge will cost a teachers a job and the kid will keep acting in the same manner either way. In no way does this endorse pepper spraying 9 year olds in school but I can say some of these nudges helped straighten me up which in the long run benefited me and I honestly believe that was the teachers intentions.
  5. If you change the rules it helps you win which they did in violation of the constitution in multiple states a Virginia judge has already ruled VA rule changes were a violation. The one audit preformed showed fraud (which I already know you don’t believe). All other audits where blocked by Democrats as the Democrats also tied to block in court the release of the information of the only audit preformed which was denied by the court ( the judge ruled to release it as it was truthful). There was a lot of support from the house and the senate before the “insurrection” for objections. There was repersentives from more than 20 states in support of the Texas lawsuit to the Supreme Court that was not seen due to standing not merit. All elections norms being broken by a third try candidate with a VP pick that scored 3% in the primary. The fact that Trump voter turnout approved by 10 million are some of the reasons I believe more investigation are in order which is the least we can do after all the time and money spent in the Russian collusion hoax. But we’ve been through all this already. So let’s investigate and find out if the fraud was widespread enough to change results should be the answer to help bring the country unity.
  6. Maybe Mitch McConnell just doesn’t want to be wrong about what he said in the past and find fraud in his voting machine donors. https://www.newsweek.com/mitch-mcconnell-robert-mueller-election-security-russia-1451361
  7. I would say he did lose due to the corona virus because that is the way the changes to voting laws came about which allowed the fraud or allowed the beating of all the election norms if your in the democratic camp. See the courts ruling in Va that ruled election law changes had violated the constitution. But as far as the handling of the virus if the general populace voted more for him then in the 2016 race I would not say it caused him to lose.
  8. I am not comfortable with it but I am also not comfortable with allowing the 9 year old to threaten their parents to the point the police are needed. I asked you as you seem to be able to see things from both sides not as a attack.
  9. What do you think the police should do to a kid that apparently the parents can’t handle and is so bad they feel the need to call the police after she threatened them?
  10. I will not say Greene is not off her rocker on somethings but as far as election fraud. Wouldn’t there be a need to investigate the claims and hold a court cases to prove if she lied. Courts turning down cases for no standing does not prove it a lie. So the only way to prove a lie is to have the courts see the evidence not take it at face value that what career politicians opinions are facts. So far the only audit preformed has shown fraud (Antrim co) so now lets do the rest and prove if she did or did not lie. Why where the objections not encouraged but supported in the 2016 race by speaker Nancy Pelosi when more states where objected to than the current 2020 race by Democrats for the Russian collusion. Which has now been prove a hoax so that begs to question why Jim McGovern (D mass), Jamie Raskin (D MD), Parmila Jayapal (D Wash), Raul Grijaluua (D Ariz), Shelia Jackson Lee (D TX), Barbara lee (D calif) and Maxine Waters ( D calif) where not threatened with censure, expulsion and reprimand for their objections that had no backing in the senate as that is what the 2020 objectors are facing currently which did have backing in the senate.
  11. You seem to care a lot about other rights that concern people like civil rights which is very noble of you why not this one?
  12. Throw a norwex shower mitten in on your next order to small to actually use as a mitten but works excellent.
  13. Don’t hand a gun to someone when crossing a fence line. If you look through this bill that isn’t even the craziest thing or problem but the fact you can not take youth or First time shooters out ends firearm ownership. If this passes we will be like Europe pricing the poor out of ownership.
  14. Get what you can, check out the bill in Congress. H.R 127 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XOiqZ6qfbBOquYNdjwsqPGadcdIWb3CT/view
  15. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XOiqZ6qfbBOquYNdjwsqPGadcdIWb3CT/view this is crazy and what a lot of people feared not some boogeyman
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