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Everything posted by 9jNYstarkOH

  1. He did, but his own $1000 a month basic income using VAT would not pay for his promises either. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/how-would-andrew-yang-give-americans-1000-per-month-with-this-tax
  2. Why did they fight to stop the investigations and audits if there was no fraud. The one audit that was done by a third party did show fraud and they fought in court to block it from being released. Some will say that a hand count proved it wrong but the machine prints the hard copy and tabulated the count so I believe the third party audit of the machines and think that is why other states and counties fought further audits. At this point what is done is done and will be done again if we do not fix the system. Why is dominion suing Powell but not the audit company for defamation? copy of 23 page audit https://www.depernolaw.com/uploads/2/7/0/2/27029178/antrim_michigan_forensics_report_[121320]_v2_[redacted].pdf
  3. A couple miles and before you say most of it was just being replaced look at some of the stuff being replace it was not a wall at all just car barriers, fence that wouldn’t keep a house dog in and old roofing tin.
  4. And even left leaning msm says Democrats are making a mockery of the constitution with this bs. And even if this is true it does not make him a dictator. Show me where he incited criminal actions against the government I will wait. You can keep repeating it but that does not make it true, you are better than this. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1253751
  5. I agree, but thinks it odd to open it now not month ago like some other political leaders had stated. Alot of businesses have already killed in the last 9 months of shutdowns whats 3 more at this point. At least we would be better off if only 30 to 60 percent were vaccinated or immune if we waited 3 more months. Or we should have never closed as these businesses were screwed out of business for no reason if we just throw in the towel and open now The covid result seem to be the same just months later but with a economy put in the dumpster.
  6. How the term being used by multiple leaders around the world sound Build Back Better set on your radar seems like the same product but just the store brand. All using hitlers play book?
  7. I just don’t get why we waited for the vaccine and than open up before everyone that wants it has a chance to get it. 14 days to stop the spread in March was round one we are at round what round 50 and are going to throw in the towel when we may finally have the chance to win the fight.
  8. No they sent it back to Oregon and did not rule on it.
  9. That was not the case I was referring to this is. https://www.opb.org/news/article/sweet-cakes-by-melissa-oregon-appeals-court/?outputType=amp
  10. And that lady lost a lawsuit for not making a cake so probably a bad pick to compare it to. Twitter was used to plan riots all year and you can still find things like these on Twitter
  11. Your good with violations of the state and federal constitutions. Democrats have objected in multiple election in the past so probably yes. Why is he a self serving jackass is it for standing up for his constituents and the constitution.
  12. Biden has already rolled back on that it was only ever to get people to vote for him. Which could be what chef feels about the 2A issues too but I think Biden will not.
  13. No it does not, how the pa constitution is written and would have to be amended to. I don’t know why that law passed in 2019. Oregon can because it doesn’t violate their constitution. So if it indeed violates the US constitution by violating the state constitution are you ok with it or not and do you believe Hawley should be being compared to a nazi or called a clown for odjecting to it at his first opportunity.
  14. https://www.post-journal.com/opinion/local-commentaries/2020/12/pa-election-law-is-unconstitutional/
  15. I believe one has not been seated yet as it was also a contested election. But senator Hawley was contesting it and so was the Texas lawsuit and I believe right left and center should have issues with violations of the constitution. So far from the left side voters on this site I still have yet to get their opinion or a answer and honestly you answer was a non answer also.
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