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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Getting back to the original topic, I just wanted to say that there is actually a bit of an art to taking good "hero pictures". There's a certain amount of class and tact in how harvested game is displayed. You know how it goes ..... tuck that tongue back in the mouth. Try to clean off excess blood, pose the animal such that you avoid the gory-side of the kill .... lol. There's a lot of nice little actions that we sometimes try to do just to make the picture a bit more palatable to those who have a sensitivity about gore. It also is done so that we can appreciate the animal taken without negative distractions. We try to do these things for deer. Why not for coyotes? I don't see it as some super big deal, but in this case, the picture appears to have been arranged for maximum shock value rather than as a display of a good hunt or success on a trapline.
  2. The problem with this situation is that now she has lost a dispute to you. This may be the beginning to a vendetta where she will be looking for things to harass you with from now on. Nothing worse than neighbor problems.
  3. http://taxfoundation.org/article/tax-freedom-day-2014-april-21-three-days-later-last-year Tax Freedom Day is the day when the nation as a whole has earned enough money to pay its total tax bill for year. A vivid, calendar-based illustration of the cost of government, Tax Freedom Day divides all federal, state, and local taxes by the nation’s income. In 2014, Americans will pay $3.0 trillion in federal taxes and $1.5 trillion in state taxes, for a total tax bill of $4.5 trillion, or 30.2 percent of income. This year, Tax Freedom Day falls on April 21, or 111 days into the year. On the web-site listed above, there is a map of the Tax Freedom Day for each individual state. Guess which state has the latest Tax freedom date. Yup, you guessed it .... NYS with a May 4th date No other state even made it into May.....lol.
  4. I also try to maintain good neighborly relations and always phone our closest neighbors when I plan on using the backyard shooting range. It's not necessary on the range on top of the hill, but I know that first shot can be a bit startling when everything is dead quiet. So I just give them a friendly heads-up.
  5. Geeze, wouldn't you think that somebody might want to watch the student handle the gun just to see if they have a clue about gun use and safety? Marksmanship is something that they can work on once they have a gun of their own to shoot, but just to check for such things as where they point the thing, and other things that might indicate a problem like looking down the muzzle ... lol. Some of this might sound intuitive or just plain old horse-sense that supposedly everyone was born with. BUT .... I have had hunters walk up to me with the gun cradled in their elbow while the muzzle was pointed straight at my mid-section. I saw another one yakking away leaning on the butt with the muzzle resting on top his foot. Not everyone has that thing called common sense, and it would be interesting to put a gun (even if it is empty) in the hands of a student just to observe what he does with it and see that he handles it respectfully and responsibly.
  6. So, does this calculation apply only to Federal income taxes, or does it also include federal fees, NYS, and local property, sales and income taxes and fees. If not, that would be one hell of a shocking statistic! And then if you want to add in mandated purchases like automobile insurances and additional costs on manufactured products and services due to federal and state mandates. How the heck do we even wind up with any disposable cash at all. I thought we fought a Civil War to abolish slavery. I guess that applies to everyone but governments.....lol.
  7. Lol ..... You probably don't realize just how foolish all that nonsense sounds do you? You seem to have gone off the deep end when it comes to understanding exactly where all that crap really stands on the scale of actual importance. You and your tame deer industry really has no bearing at all as far as "helping the world", or the "future of science" or any of the other superlatives that you have been spouting. In reality it is just the ravings and self-aggrandizement of some guy that holds a bloated and unrealistic sense of self importance. It is a curious phenomenon to watch but every so often somebody like me has to come along and say, "Get a grip!"
  8. The fact is you are simply pushing your product with a blatant proliferation of threads. Don't try to make anything more of it than it really is.
  9. I keep seeing this word "knowingly" used in a lot of these articles and quotes. How is that determined? Do they have some mind reader specialist that determines if you knew you were breaking the law? Whatever happened to that old goofy saying, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse"? I would think that if that word "knowingly"is in the law, I would be simply saying, "Damn, I didn't know it had to be registered". Somehow I doubt that really would work.....lol.
  10. It sounds like it was an unfortunate situation where the lady may have given the bears the impression of being cornered as she entered the garage. That's probably not a good thing to do with a big toothy creature. Leaving access to garbage in an enclosed area and then all of a sudden showing up standing in the only opening for escape likely gave the bear the idea that the best defense was offense.
  11. Basically your dozens of posts are about domesticated livestock. It almost resembles spam the way you are pushing your product.
  12. Lol ..... About 56 years ago when I took my gun hunter safety course, we did have to shoot. And here's something you never hear of anymore .... The course was conducted in the back of the school bus garage. Funny how attitudes toward guns in the schools have changed over the years. So maybe that is not a mandated part of the course anymore. In fact who knows, maybe it wasn't mandated back then either but was optional. I don't know.
  13. I know. You have made an earnest effort to attempt to take over the forum with this deer farming nonsense to the point where it is beginning to get quite nauseating. Really, in the greater scheme of things, it truly doesn't deserve all that much attention.
  14. So, what are we saying? Perhaps our celebration of the re-introduction of turkeys in NYS was a bit premature. Obviously there are some spots where things are going well (for now anyways). But what is the DEC saying about the suitability of NYS habitat now and in the future. Are they admitting that there are a lot of problem areas developing? What remedial actions are they taking if any? I was just assuming that our particular area was over matured habitat (which it is) and not all that suitable for turkeys, or maybe just a bit too much pressure. But I had no idea that other areas were seeing declines as well.
  15. Stepping of topic for just a second ...... That's what I'm afraid is going to splinter and destroy the unification of gun owners this year. I have a single agenda on my mind this year which is to "punish" those politicians that voted for that despicable infringement on the 2nd Amendment. I am up for letting my vote send a clear and long-lasting message about the sanctity of gun rights in this state. No other "way of governing" has as much impact as the attitude toward the Constitution. I will not be swayed or diverted this year.
  16. No, the topic never interested me enough to enquire. But I do understand the need in the world for a good steady supply of beef....lol. And if I were really interested in "helping the world", Russia is probably not the first and most needy place that I would start. Sorry, I know I am being extra "picky", but I think I have seen enough about ranch deer and how they are expected to save the world (damned things out to come with capes) without yet another thread on the subject. How many different ways can we load up the forum with the same topic. I absolutely experienced severe burn-out on the 184 threads involving that subject.
  17. Our immediate area hasn't got near the numbers of turkeys that we had a bunch of years ago. And yet within 10 or 12 miles, I have seen some huge flocks. Habitat and terrain have a lot to do with their dispersal. So a turkey shortage may just boil down to very local habitat and food source changes. such shortages also might be temporary.
  18. And why wouldn't they be planning the next moves for the dis-arming of America? Don't they have plenty of confidence now that they have successfully pulled off the Unsafe Act? Here is a fact: These people now believe that the gun owners are a disorganized set of people who cannot hurt them in the elections. They now believe that they have us on the run and now is the time to move swiftly toward the completion of their goals. I know that we have it within our power to defeat almost every anti-gun politician in NYS. We have a list of them in the voting record for the safe act. What I'm not so sure of is the political resolve of the gun owners to put the fear of God into these people such that they will never again consider an anti-gun vote. But if we could vote as a unified block in concert with all the others in NYS that already have it in mind to vote against these people for a whole array of reasons, I have no doubt that we could unseat enough of them to send terror through their ranks for decades to come.
  19. All I know is that I see a list of politicians who are working very hard to destroy American autonomy and a certain part of the Constitution that deals with gun rights, and there isn't a Republican name in the bunch. Now you can spin that any way you want, but to me the contrast in ideology is very clear. The NYS Unsafe act was almost as clear with the only ones voting against it being Republicans. This isn't all theory and day-dreaming and spinning. These are cold hard pieces of public record.
  20. My first impression after reading the article was, "what is the rest of the story"? How can anyone expect to use public resources for personal gain? There has to be more to all this than the article was letting on. Wouldn't you think?
  21. I didn't catch that either, but then I didn't spend a whole lot of time reading the entire document. It would help if you guys that are addressing a piece of the document were to cut and paste the specific passage that lead you to make the assumption.
  22. Anyone interested in "helping the world" should be shipping out 244 black angus instead of those scrawny deer ..... lol. Heck, even milk goats would be better.
  23. The following quote was taken from the paper: "According to the Associated Press, there's also a provision for a felony charge for an unregistered weapon under the law, and determination of which charge to file would be up to prosecutors." My expectation is that for a while they will be making examples of those that are knowingly refusing to comply.
  24. There appears to be some kind of elevated box-blind located somewhere on the property which might support a "hoax" theory that gives the lights an elevated appearance.
  25. My point exactly. I like to see all the Rambo talk converted to realistic legal moves and efforts first. The Armageddon fantasies and movie scripts are ok when the day comes that all else has been exhausted. But when I see forums being taken over by such talk and at the expense of real meaningful campaigns to work within the system, I generally like to inject a bit of reality into the discussion. I often get the impression that a lot of these Rambo-isms come from those who have no intentions of bringing their grievances to the ballot box. That bothers me.
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