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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Lol ..... About 56 years ago when I took my gun hunter safety course, we did have to shoot. And here's something you never hear of anymore .... The course was conducted in the back of the school bus garage. Funny how attitudes toward guns in the schools have changed over the years. So maybe that is not a mandated part of the course anymore. In fact who knows, maybe it wasn't mandated back then either but was optional. I don't know.
  2. I know. You have made an earnest effort to attempt to take over the forum with this deer farming nonsense to the point where it is beginning to get quite nauseating. Really, in the greater scheme of things, it truly doesn't deserve all that much attention.
  3. So, what are we saying? Perhaps our celebration of the re-introduction of turkeys in NYS was a bit premature. Obviously there are some spots where things are going well (for now anyways). But what is the DEC saying about the suitability of NYS habitat now and in the future. Are they admitting that there are a lot of problem areas developing? What remedial actions are they taking if any? I was just assuming that our particular area was over matured habitat (which it is) and not all that suitable for turkeys, or maybe just a bit too much pressure. But I had no idea that other areas were seeing declines as well.
  4. Stepping of topic for just a second ...... That's what I'm afraid is going to splinter and destroy the unification of gun owners this year. I have a single agenda on my mind this year which is to "punish" those politicians that voted for that despicable infringement on the 2nd Amendment. I am up for letting my vote send a clear and long-lasting message about the sanctity of gun rights in this state. No other "way of governing" has as much impact as the attitude toward the Constitution. I will not be swayed or diverted this year.
  5. No, the topic never interested me enough to enquire. But I do understand the need in the world for a good steady supply of beef....lol. And if I were really interested in "helping the world", Russia is probably not the first and most needy place that I would start. Sorry, I know I am being extra "picky", but I think I have seen enough about ranch deer and how they are expected to save the world (damned things out to come with capes) without yet another thread on the subject. How many different ways can we load up the forum with the same topic. I absolutely experienced severe burn-out on the 184 threads involving that subject.
  6. Our immediate area hasn't got near the numbers of turkeys that we had a bunch of years ago. And yet within 10 or 12 miles, I have seen some huge flocks. Habitat and terrain have a lot to do with their dispersal. So a turkey shortage may just boil down to very local habitat and food source changes. such shortages also might be temporary.
  7. And why wouldn't they be planning the next moves for the dis-arming of America? Don't they have plenty of confidence now that they have successfully pulled off the Unsafe Act? Here is a fact: These people now believe that the gun owners are a disorganized set of people who cannot hurt them in the elections. They now believe that they have us on the run and now is the time to move swiftly toward the completion of their goals. I know that we have it within our power to defeat almost every anti-gun politician in NYS. We have a list of them in the voting record for the safe act. What I'm not so sure of is the political resolve of the gun owners to put the fear of God into these people such that they will never again consider an anti-gun vote. But if we could vote as a unified block in concert with all the others in NYS that already have it in mind to vote against these people for a whole array of reasons, I have no doubt that we could unseat enough of them to send terror through their ranks for decades to come.
  8. All I know is that I see a list of politicians who are working very hard to destroy American autonomy and a certain part of the Constitution that deals with gun rights, and there isn't a Republican name in the bunch. Now you can spin that any way you want, but to me the contrast in ideology is very clear. The NYS Unsafe act was almost as clear with the only ones voting against it being Republicans. This isn't all theory and day-dreaming and spinning. These are cold hard pieces of public record.
  9. My first impression after reading the article was, "what is the rest of the story"? How can anyone expect to use public resources for personal gain? There has to be more to all this than the article was letting on. Wouldn't you think?
  10. I didn't catch that either, but then I didn't spend a whole lot of time reading the entire document. It would help if you guys that are addressing a piece of the document were to cut and paste the specific passage that lead you to make the assumption.
  11. Anyone interested in "helping the world" should be shipping out 244 black angus instead of those scrawny deer ..... lol. Heck, even milk goats would be better.
  12. The following quote was taken from the paper: "According to the Associated Press, there's also a provision for a felony charge for an unregistered weapon under the law, and determination of which charge to file would be up to prosecutors." My expectation is that for a while they will be making examples of those that are knowingly refusing to comply.
  13. There appears to be some kind of elevated box-blind located somewhere on the property which might support a "hoax" theory that gives the lights an elevated appearance.
  14. My point exactly. I like to see all the Rambo talk converted to realistic legal moves and efforts first. The Armageddon fantasies and movie scripts are ok when the day comes that all else has been exhausted. But when I see forums being taken over by such talk and at the expense of real meaningful campaigns to work within the system, I generally like to inject a bit of reality into the discussion. I often get the impression that a lot of these Rambo-isms come from those who have no intentions of bringing their grievances to the ballot box. That bothers me.
  15. I think what happened in those two cases is not that the rule was trashed, but simply that the definitions of the weapons were expanded. For example even the inline muzzleloader is still a muzzleloader, and the compound bow is still a bow with the same disciplines and principles of operation. But you're right, they seem to be ignoring the rule of hierarchy as to when different classes of weapons should be used. That's a trend that I wouldn't be surprised to see taking over completely, eventually giving rise to the question of why bother with special seasons.
  16. A lot of what we buy in the store has very little maple syrup in it. However, the syrup that is 100% pure is definitely price accordingly. It's a pretty labor intensive product and the trucking, bottling, marketing costs also have to be accounted for. Let's face it, it really is a delicacy, and the price reflects that.
  17. Do any of you really understand what a felony is and what the penalties are for that level of crime? Do you understand the residual effects on employment and any kind of gun ownership, not to mention the social consequences for you and your family members. Certainly when things have turned to open revolt or a total breakdown of government, those things will no longer matter, but right now we are a long ways from that condition. Right now, if you break the law, you will be a felon, and will suffer all the indignities and hardships of the penalties ..... by yourself. Right now you will face the financial ruination of legal fees for your defense. Right now, you will be hauled off to jail, and no one will come to your defense. Right now, there is no armed militia or uprising to call you a hero or rise up in a full-fledged revolt. Right now each person that fails to comply is on their own. That's the facts of the situation right now. I would say that if you are simply planning on not complying with the law, you had better be ready to accept some jail time and accept the loss of all of your firearms, and accept having a prison record. And don't be looking for any uprising to result ..... just your felony conviction and whatever other negative aspects to your life that may come as a result. Perhaps there will come a day when conditions are such that open revolt takes place. Maybe it will be organized and somehow have some chance of success. But right now that scenario does not exist, and when it comes to felony law-breaking, you are on your own just like any other criminal that society has come to despise.
  18. Well, first I would take n extra long look to make sure it wasn't some neighbor's goat .... And then I would blow it flat. Would I get it mounted? I don't know. What is a full body mount going for these days? That would be a consideration as to whether it became a full mount or just a head/shoulder mount. Regarding the old wive's tales and the superstitions surrounding these genetic freaks, none of that would come into play. It all has simple genetic explanations, and there is no magic, witchcraft, or hokus-pokus involved.
  19. How many pounds pull is it?
  20. Recognize who all put you in that position, and work like hell to make them pay with their jobs. And remember, Cuomo is only the ring leader. He had a lot of help from his merry band of legislators.
  21. Can we do it? Do we have the resolve? Do all or even most gun owners share the passion to the same extent that we do? Are they willing to become single issue voters? Are they willing to become voters at all? Some days I can absolutely see where it could all come together, but there are other days when I really doubt it. Some of the comments that show up here on this forum from people that supposedly have vested interests in fighting these wayward politicians make me wonder what our side of the issue really is consisting of. I guess all we can do is the best we can and hope there are enough of us to actually make a difference.
  22. I definitely would like to believe that, but I have to wonder if that same spirit exists today in the American people. Today you are lucky to get people excited enough to even go to the polls. Seriously, this next election has me concerned because of that fact. The question is, are we still made of the same rowdy stock that organized a revolution that began our country? Another question is do we really have the resources to fight the U.S. military. Our military leadership has by necessity developed some pretty darn effective pieces of technology designed specifically for scattered uprisings. A lot of what is being used can be implemented from places that we, with our deer rifles, cannot even see even through the best of our scopes. The drone technology employed by the military, creates warfare as an unmanned remote controlled activity. It's not a one-on-one struggle anymore. It's not a question of who has the bigger numbers, it is more relating to who has their fingers on the various buttons of remote destruction. The advances in surveillance that we applaud when it comes to fighting terrorism all lies in the hands of the government, with absolutely no private access or even ability to use if we did get ahold of it. Even the Department of Homeland Security has been given authority to pry into and uncover any developing scheme or plans. As I said, I wish I could believe as you, that the American people still had that backbone that we once had, the resolve of Revolutionary War days (or even WW1 or WW2). But the world no longer fights wars with muskets, and the people no longer get any more passionate over issues than simply making statements on internet forums. Laying down one's life for principle is a concept that is very foreign to most. I sincerely doubt that we really have the will anymore to conduct a successful revolution.
  23. Not to get too political but, anyone other than me notice that there is not one Republican in that list? It is a straight-up comparison on where the two parties sit on gun issues and the defense of the 2nd Amendment.
  24. As incredibly efficient as the AR style rifles and the large cap magazines appear, the fact is that they are completely worthless against the arsenal of the U.S. military. You will not take on the military and win. And so that part of the pro-AR argument simply does not work out well in a credible fashion. However, when it comes to home defense, who really has the right to limit your choices there. Home invaders seldom come one at a time, and the practice of home invasion is not really all that uncommon anymore. So if you should be so unfortunate as to be involved in a fire fight with several individuals, what would you be thinking about the NYS Un-safe Act then. How dare anyone tell you that your home security and the safety of your loved ones has to be sub-standard, or less than you have deemed appropriate, especially when it is currently likely that the threats of that nature are getting more likely every year.
  25. If money were no object, I would opt for at least two places. I would have a home in Alaska for a few of the warmer months there, and then have an array o southern places to go in the winter months. Of course, money is a consideration ..... lol.
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