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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doc

  1. I'm trying to figure just where on the base of any cartridge there would be room for anymore markings. I mean there is the maker's mark, and the caliber already pre-stamped there. I would assume that the ID markings would probably be some kind of 6 or 7 digit number. That would really have to be a "micro" stamp, and would probably last for a few shots before it was destroyed. Imagine trying to get anything on the base of a .22 cartridge. And then there is the question of what kind of mechanism would force the imprint. Would they be relying on the recoil to force the stamping action? It's not real surprising that the technology can't yet be achieved. It is likely that it never will. And the big question is what kind of new evidence would this supply. Are they expecting that some number is going to supply the name and address of the shooter? What percent of the time would that ever actually be the case. It might supply the name and address to the guy who legally bought the gun in the first place .... the robbery victim who had it stolen from him. Now there's a real useful piece of evidence. No, it is obvious that this is just yet another harassment law applied against legitimate gun owners and manufacturers. It's starting to get real blatant now. It's more of an "in-your-face" kind of law than anything aimed at crime prevention.
  2. Nobody has heard? I wonder how they handled the house/hunting setbacks with that hunt. Special exceptions to the law?
  3. It is interesting when you stumble across old sugar-shacks in the middle of the woods. It makes you kind of look around and try to imagine what it was like back when guys were busy cutting up their supply of fire wood with the old buck-saw, and hauling gallon after gallon of sap by hand or horse-drawn skid, and the big boiling pans that looked nothing like the evaporators that everyone uses today. For a lot of farmers, syrup was just another farm product that they started off their spring activities with. Around the clock attention to the fire and the sap....just another annual farm activity.
  4. You're right. Sometimes we have to rely on logic and good old "horse sense" when breaking new ground. I judge the examples of bad press and potential safety hazards that have already been pointed out to be not only gambles, but darn near a set of certainties. By the way, one of the risks that has been pointed out, but I sense underestimated and under-commented on, is that this proposed 50 yard setback not only applies to hunting situations, but also degrades the legal safeguards of set-back from those kids and adults who are target shooting in their suburban yards. What kind of humongous backstop would it require to stop an errant arrow touched off with mistakenly triggered release. Ah yes, the scenarios go on, and on, and on, and they are all very likely to occur as setbacks keep being diminished to a point of ineffectiveness.
  5. All these changes within our lifetimes. In my case a mere 70 years with most of these changes accelerating in the more recent years. It doesn't look all that good for the future, does it? Anybody here thing that any of it will reverse? ..... lol. Not hardly.
  6. I see large crowds of people standing out in all kinds of ugly weather protesting the Safe Act, and enough letter writing campaigns to get that freak Cuomo a bit concerned. I suspect that the gun advocacy organizations are experiencing huge spikes in membership. People are beginning to put their money, time and letter writing efforts, where their mouths are. I don't call any of that lazy, apathetic, or ignorant. In fact I have to wonder more about those who's first reaction is to cut and run. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the NYS liberals will not drive me from my home. And yes they will constantly have me in their face, and targeting them at the polls.
  7. You haven't lived until you have encountered a real honest to goodness Japanese beetle infestation. They just flat out killed my two cherry trees before I had a chance to spray. They went from not being there at all to total defoliation in one day. I've never seen anything like it. They seemed to go right past the other trees just to get to the cherry leaves. About three years of spraying all the other trees, finally have gotten them down to the levels that can be controlled.
  8. It has been a long time since I last stopped into a car wash. The last time, I hadn't gotten a quarter of a mile down the road when a tractor-trailer veered into a pile of salty slush and slopped up the whole car. So, I think it can wait for another few months before I wash it again. I'll just pretend that it is a white car. If I do it again, I will most likely just pull into one of the manual stalls and give it a quick once-over with the rinse.
  9. Ha! what can I say that I haven't said a thousand times before. This video is exactly right. Oh and while we're on a roll, I might point out that I am a taxpayer in the same school district that I graduated from 53 years ago. The enrollment today is only slightly larger (fewer than a dozen more) than it was the day I graduated. But since that time, another entire school building complex (elementary school) has been added complete with an entire additional administrative staff and maintenance costs and staff. We now have an entire additional bus run to handle the extra curricular activities. We used to be responsible for providing our own transportation if our activities ran past the normal bus route time. We have a separate gymnasium instead of the combination gym/auditorium that everyone survived with for many, many, decades. The auditorium now has nice plush theater-style seats instead of the bleaches and rows of folding chairs. I hear the new addition being put on this year will consume a very large portion of the playground where students used to go out and actually get some fresh air and exercise. Oh and did I mention that the student population only grew by a dozen or so since I went there .... lol. One would guess that the quality of our education suffered because we had been deprived of all these goodies. The fact is that none of these multi-million dollar expansions and grandiose furnishings and services have really gone toward anything that has to do with education. How did our generation ever survive and prosper with such deficient surroundings?
  10. That's it! Cartwright's Maple Tree Inn. http://www.cartwrightsmapletreeinn.com/ Phenomenal place. It's a pretty long drive for me, but it is worth it just to get away for a few hours.
  11. Mike, the message that you quoted was in response to another member. As far as I know, we are both on the same page on this issue.
  12. I'm not exactly sure how anyone here knows what kinds of problems the 50 yard set-back has caused in other states as far as actual incidents and attitudes toward hunters of residents subjected to that. Heck I don't even know of all the incidents that happen within my own neighborhood, so I have no idea how anyone could make any statements like that about other states. I can't say that the 50 yard setback definitely is causing problems, and I doubt there is anyone here that can credibly say that it is not.
  13. I will say that if my Brother-in-law hadn't shown me how to reload, I probably wouldn't be reloading today. I'm willing to learn just about anything from a book, but when it comes to things that can blow up in my face, I prefer to have someone looking over my shoulder for the first few times that has done it before. If you don't have a mentor, or know anyone who could give you a hand and keep you from misunderstanding things that you read, this may be a good time to join your local rod & gun club and find some guys tat are willing to guide you along a bit.
  14. Anybody familiar with the pancake place down in Angelica? Cartwright's? .... I think that the name of it. Those guys aren't open very long, but boy do they ever do a humongous business during the few weeks they are open..... Buses and everything. And they are way out in the middle of nowhere. Its a great place and a great way to bust up the cabin fever at the end of a long winter.
  15. Darn nice looking sugarhouse. What fuel do you use? What is the gathering system used? ..... tubing or manual gathering? Do you retail your product or wholesale it, or both?
  16. I am thinking that that might make a pretty good base for a lamp.
  17. Doc

    component shortages

    That same thought is now going through my mind too. I have canceled some planned target practice because even though I have some extra components and loaded ammo, I have no idea when or if there will ever be relief on these shortages. So now I have been backing off target practice sessions waiting until a group of us get together rather than just going out any time I feel like it.
  18. Ok, I see you need to get the last word in, even when arguing who knows what for who know what reason..... lol. So rather than bore everyone with our usual game of trivia to no real end, I will end this nonsense on who said what ,when. Its all stupid stuff anyway and has no bearing on my point. If you need to believe that Cuomo's courting of hunters has nothing to do with his attempts to blunt the hatred over his midnight raid on gun owner's rights, knock your socks off. I figure by this time thinking people have kind of arrived at the same conclusion that I have. By the way, I thought you were suggesting that I do a search on your supplied "title of the thread". That's why I was surprised when the result came up to be this thread. Sorry about apparently misinterpreting the end of your message.
  19. So now all they have to do is to pass a law that gun manufacturers cannot or will not be able to comply with, and they have circumvented the 2nd Amendment and eliminated the sale of guns. Very slick.
  20. And worse yet, here in Ontario County we have rifles being used. For the average deer rifle, a 170 yard (500') shot is not totally out of the question with very little bullet drop. Minimum distances are only part of the safety requirement. In my opinion, there should be some part of that law that says you should never shoot with a visible building in the line of fire.
  21. For a bowhunter, the red line would be legal but absolutely ridiculous from just about any aspect that I can imagine. From the yellow line (the current legal set-back), who would really care. Nobody could even see them. They wouldn't even know anyone was there, and there is no chance that an arrow would ever make it to any of the houses. Archery-wise, the yellow line is a safe situation. Most likely with all the woods in between, a shotgun or rifle would even be safe at the yellow 500' line. By the way, put a field in between instead of the woods, and even the 500' set-back with a rifle would be extremely questionable as to whether that really would be a safe shot to take.
  22. The problem with all of these rules, even the 50 yard bow setback proposal, there never is any requirement that the shot must not be fired in the direction of any buildings. So none of these things really offer the protection for which they are intended. Can an arrow still make it to your house from behind your fence, 50 yards away? We all know the answer to that, and it can be done without a whole lot of excess bow elevation. That distance is just too darned close, just like the 500' distance (a mere 170 yards) is too close with shotguns and rifles. Without a stipulation regarding the direction of the shot, these minimum distances don't really mean a whole heck of a lot from a safety standpoint.
  23. In an article dated 1/27/14, note this quote: "Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced in the details of his executive budget last week that he favors reducing bowhunting setbacks throughout the state." http://riverheadnewsreview.timesreview.com/2014/01/50890/cuomo-throws-support-behind-reducing-hunting-setbacks/ That is the source of this thread, and likely the reason for all of the attention.
  24. I know the Sweeny story, and I know there was legislation proposed, but I never heard anything about any Cuomo involvement. That might be one reason why no one was saying anything about it. By the way I tried to do a search on "New Setback Rules proposed by Cuomo" and guess which thread came up? .... this one.
  25. I believe the subject of this thread related to setback rules. But I never saw any headlines about him pushing crossbow legislation until just a few months ago. Now I don't know whether his support was mentioned somewhere on the down-low earlier (I certainly didn't hear any of it prior to the Safe Act uproar), but to my knowledge the only time he actually announced any legislative support and action was very recently in conjunction with the setback changes. In fact, I haven't heard any mention of any matters regarding hunting prior to the safe act backlash. And that is exactly the point I have been making. For those that want to believe that Cuomo is now some sort of hunter savior, I just want to clarify what the real likely motives for all this attention are.
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