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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doc

  1. So, now that you all have deserted the NRA, exactly how do you safeguard your 2nd amendment rights? ..... or do you just let others take care of that for you. I know there are some who figure that their gun rights will be ok through their lifetime so they might as well save a little cash and let others worry about it. By the way, before we spit out that word, "lobbyist" with such disdain, bear in mind that there are dozens of well organized, and well financed anti-gun "lobbyists" that would go completely unopposed if it were not for the NRA performing that function.
  2. Uh ..... What was the question? ..... I forgot. :-[
  3. A couple of years ago, I saw some of it growing along the East Lake Road along Canadice Lake. I haven't seen it since. Back then there was no one to call that I was aware of. I understand it's some pretty nasty stuff.
  4. It's nice to see that everyone is so content with ever-increasing fees for the splendid game management of NYS. I know how thrilled you all are about the quality of the product we are getting . Frankly, I'm not ready to begin dancing in the streets and convincing the government that I am all mentally primed to accept whatever increases they wish to hand me. But then, I have to remind myself that this is NYS, and it is a tradition here for us to welcome taxation and then call it a bargain. And also, as a side issue, I'm not sure just what we are saying when we cherry-pick some states that are worse. Is the implication that we should be happy because there are others who are getting screwed worse? Or are we saying that we shouldn't complain until we become the most extreme example across the country?
  5. Frankly, I enjoyed the different classes too. But I also understand the extraordinary inconvenience that the length of many of these courses creates. Anyone preparing for gun hunting and then bowhunting, and then trapping is in for a whole lot of hours to be scheduled. Probably enough to deter a certai number of youngsters that are just considering getting involved with these activities. You would think that there would be a way to streamline some of that. I think that the use of the computer for at least parts of some of these courses is not really a bad idea.
  6. Or, like another member of the bird family, the osterich, we can all just stick out head in the sand, Not think about potential future implications of current actions, and simply live with whatever surprises come our way. I don't really have a problem with people trying to look ahead a bit and pointing out possible scenarios. Sounds reasonable to me. Frankly, I worry more about those who just shrug their shoulders, open up their wallets and pay whatever the government demands without a word of protest or any sort of forward look as to what is likely coming.
  7. If that sort of voluntary compliance is having a noticeable effect in non-AR areas, then there is no reason to waste the ink on any new regs.
  8. Who knows just what it takes to drive hunter numbers further down. My impression is that it doesn't take a whole lot anymore. And I am talking about the average, casual hunter and not the more dedicated ones like you might find on this forum. I would have to believe that anything that hunters perceive as being negative (shortening the season falls into that category) would probably be reflected in additional declines.
  9. I am getting more and more convinced that the DEC really is working toward more productive seasons at any cost. I also believe that bowseasons are being viewed by the DEC as a very inefficient waste of prime hunting time. I believe that they are trying to manipulate the nature of bowhunting to change that.
  10. Assuming the article is complete with all of the facts, the issue here is more about the competency of judges than anything written in law.
  11. No, I just threw those questions out there just to make sure that the right thing is given credit for our observations. The reason that crossed my mind is that I too have noticed an increase in recent years of older and bigger deer, and we don't have AR. So it makes me wonder if there aren't far more reasons than simply AR that could be responsible for changes in any particular localized herd......Just a point of curiosity.
  12. Lol.... what is supposed to happen in the next two years that will eliminate resistance?
  13. Just a thought, but I wonder how many of you are reaping the benefits of food-plotting vs. AR? I know some of you that are talking about how AR is working well are also very active in creating food plots and perhaps other QDM habitat improvements. I'm also curious as to whether AR opinions vary depending on whether a hunter hunts primarily state or any kind of public land vs. those parcels that are private, posted and locked up with hunter pressures more regulated (restricted). Don't know if there is any correlation ..... just asking the question.
  14. So what's the deal? Are we all supposed to cheer the fact that fees are going up? Are we supposed to be happy that NY is trying to weasel out of committments to life licenses? Are we supposed to be cheering for the fact that NYS is trying to emulate a few other states that are gouging the hell out of their sportsmen? I guess I don't understand all this rooting for trying to price and regulate hunters out of the sport. I happen to think that such things should be the absolute last resort, and that they should have their feet held to the fire until it is proven that all this crap is indeed the last resort. Until that happens, I feel justified in being a bit disturbed by what appears to be a DEC that is increasingly becoming more and more hostile toward sportsmen and women.
  15. Of course repeating something many times does not lend any credibility to a statement does it? As far as what is classified as what, the only observation that I might offer is obviously the place where the x-bows have been located in ....... the gun season. That may or may not be where it remains, but their first instinct as to where it belongs turned out to be in the gun season. I think they got it right the first time.
  16. The consistancy of the hair on the summer coat tends to show every body feature because it is much finer than the larger hair diameter and heavier winter coat. Also, as has been mentioned, feeding fawns does take a bit out of their weight gain. Some just show it more than others. Around here, at this time of year, you do see a lot of "ribby" looking does. But by the time hunting season rolls around, they look just fine.
  17. Doc


    Ah yes ...... the great escape.....lol. You are the one who made the statement indicating that stand hunters are not hunters at all. Why are you so surprised that such an offensive statement would invite a firestorm of replies? If you want to make controversial statements, don't be surprised if there are more than a few contradictions. It goes with the territory .
  18. Declining hunter numbers are not unique to NYS. It is a national problem. Perhaps other states have been a bit ahead of us in gouging sportsmen, but that does not justify NY following suit. It appears that our state is now intent on catching up and they know they can get away with it because we don't really voice our concerns in any kind of serious manner. The shrinking hunter population may just be indicating that a lot of hunters frustrated over these obvious attempts at taking advantage are becoming ex-hunters regardless of which state is doing the gouging. However, license fees are only one part of hunter frustrations. Couple cranking up fees with a shopping list of additional regulations and items that in effect reduce hunter opportunities certainly and it's easy to see that there is nothing there that is going to increase participation or reduce the rate of shrinking hunter numbers. So one has to wonder if the DEC really cares about that sort of problem other than just providing lip-service.
  19. It is kind of interesting how the DEC is always acting like they are so concerned about the diminishing numbers of hunters and yet seem to be devising new ways everyday to screw the ones that they have left along with the future hunters that may be considering entering the sport. It all seems like some pretty short term thinking on their part unless they have just given up and now intend to get as much as they can, while they can.
  20. Doc


    I guess that's a new one on me. I never met anyone who called me a bow-waiter before. I always thought I was bow-hunting. Well, I guess you learn something new every day. No offense, I realize that is just your opinion, but I have to point out that that is just damn foolishness. :
  21. Doc


    Except for the fact that you have claimed in previous quotes that that sitting in treestands or waiting in ambush at food plots (or waiting in ambush anywhere) is not hunting. So I think what you have been saying is that if you don't hunt deer on foot, you are not a real hunter because you are not really hunting..... Have I got that right?
  22. This according to a recently completed survey of 2500 does conducted by a research team from Cornell University. 62% of the respondants claimed that age does matter.
  23. Lol .... Now who do we rely on to see if these people have an axe to grind with gun ownership. Anybody know of organizations that rate the raters . My source is better than your source Nyah - nyah. ;D
  24. Doc


    Actually if you consider gun hunting, I do a majority of my gunhunting by still hunting. What I have found is that sitting is great for opening day, but after that the deer develop a hide and seek tactic that makes them seem to have disappeared. Regardless of how few hunters show up in the following weeks, or how little they seem to move about, the deer still play the disappearing act once they have had the initial opening day trauma. I guess there are still enough hunters walking the woods spreading "hunter stink" that even if the shooting subsides, they still know we are after them. So as the Wentzels say, this is the time to employ the "you go to them" strategy. There's not enough guys out after opening day to really get deer moving to my stand, so I have quite a few strategic routes where I move like a snail with the wind in my face. And by golly if you're persistant enough and slow enough, and quiet enough it is a very productive method......for GUN hunting. For bow, I have had still-hunting work only a few times, but I must admit that most of my still-hunting during bow season really has the goal somewhat diluted by in-season scouting. So perhaps I do not do it with the same intensity that I do with the gun. But there is also the added challenge that when I have a bow in my hands, I really have to get within 30 yards or less of the deer. Not so with a gun. Big difference! My bread and butter for bow hunting is sitting in a ground blind. I consider both methods to be hunting. Both have their challenges, and neither is to be considered a piece of cake or offering any kinds of guarantees.
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