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Media Demo




Everything posted by phantom

  1. Here everything is bigger, house more land bigger car bigger tv better ac and heating everything !! and you have more money in your pocket . The cost of living is more in Europe then here . The culture history ancient architecture variety of food that's a different story those things you cant find here like what is in Europe .
  2. Tell the truth even Germany sucks next to USA or you would not be here. You live better here then there its that simple . look at a immigrant like arnold schwarzenegger with all his money he still stays in USA not Europe for example .
  3. lived in Europe and don't even want to live there full time and that's Europe extended stay yes, full time no !! been , to south America and all the big islands of Caribbean ,Bahamas and Bermuda all nice places to visit for a few days or weeks not my cup of tea to live there , well maybe on a sailboat or yacht just traveling and fishing around the coastline of the world that would be my idea of a good time if I was going to live outside the USA again. if you have the money you can live well almost any place good but why do you want to live full time around people that are in such poverty in 3rd world countries it is depressing and you don't feel safe around that at least most people wouldn't feel safe around it . There is always the outlier like you I guess .
  4. When they kidnap you over there don't say I did not warn you , happened to a rich friend of mine who went to live in south America but if you are poor maybe you have nothing to worry about . Visiting a place and living there are to different things my friend .
  5. He is a democrat he could assault someone with a cigar and hang out at a private pedophile island and most the media would not say a thing he could basically say he offed those people to save money and the media would give him a award for doing it probably .
  6. yep and with electric if there is a line at the charging station you will be waiting all day to charge each car takes a hour if you are 4th in line that is a 4 hour wait crazy.
  7. just imagine waiting on line at the electric gas station to fill up it takes 1 hour for the electric car in front of you to charge, think about that for a second next time you are at the gas station waiting to fill up a normal car and there is a line which is already annoying enough. we dont have something else because there is nothing that works as good its that simple no matter what they say .
  8. SO IS AOC WHO SAID TED CRUZZ WANTED TO KILL HER WITH OUT ANY PROOF BUT SHE IS STILL ON TWITTER . UNDERSTAND NOW . AOC Owes Ted Cruz an Apology for Saying He Almost Had Her Murdered, Rep. Chip Roy Says (yahoo.com)
  9. yea but it looks like government found a loophole in the law twiiter did not ban the pillow guy on there own they banned him as a favor/bribe to democratic politicians . Twitter was making money with the my pillow guy that is the reason private company's exist so why did they ban him if not to help rig the election ? It may be technically legal but it was shifty all the same . If the shoe was on the other foot dems would be rioting at twitter right about now calling for a investigation.
  10. why wouldn't they try and rig the election ? Its not like high lever democrat's ever get put in jail for their crimes in fact they get promoted just look at Clinton and Biden .
  11. you wouldn't know propaganda if it smacked you in the face I think . Solar wind are just feel good science projects they don't work right not powerful enough to run the modern world . There good for a emergency back up or on a sailboat at sea . If they worked right you would not need the gov forcing it on the masses wile the billionaire class goes around on gas powered jets and yachts.
  12. The left will keep pushing until they get there way even if it takes years from now look at the laws from 20 30 years ago and look now they keep going more left .
  13. DOJ investigating SpaceX after hiring discrimination complaint (cnbc.com) The U.S. Department of Justice is investigating Elon Musk for not hiring non-U.S. citizens.
  14. Media bias plus voter fraud it all adds up. We got the guy who the media wanted not the guy the people wanted .
  15. We know for a fact they manipulated media to spin biden as something he is not and trump as the bad guy and that's all it took really . Then they doubled down with all the election trickery .
  16. Some times I wonder if these people just flip a coin in the air to make decisions .
  17. Cant believe that guy died from cancer so young just goes to show you never know .
  18. remember bill Clinton had some fun with those back in the day .
  19. then why is he such a fat ass golfing is lots of walking or does he use a cart ?
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