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Four Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Four Seasons

  1. It sure works that way on the farm. I’m sure in healthy herds it also happens in the wild. Fawns born in late May early June have the best chance of getting the needed weight on for sure.
  2. Exactly and taking out that mature buck that dropped his rack because of breeding stress or how many BB’s get takin out of the population. Some don’t own land or care out any kind of management and that’s fine. State lands is just a continuation of the onslaught.
  3. lol. Yeah and if you believe that……. DEC did not make the season and those that continue to make these early seasons and late seasons do it for one reason only. Population Control. Giving hunters that are left the easiest times to be in the woods.
  4. Exactly my point. Most have got their take and Don it need to pressure the herds and take more bred females and dropped bucks. It’s just Ny’s way of thinking the herd needs reduced when in most parts of the state that’s far from the problem. This is what happens when someone sitting at a desk makes the rules. Kinda like it’s Ok to have a deer contest but not a useless vermin Coyote contest.
  5. Had to add 24 because of the holiday hunts. Wonder if they will put an end to that hunt? Seasons could be cut in some areas.
  6. Gotta love how you give it all until the end. I am that way myself if the cards don’t fall in my favor some years. My goal is a couple top of the class mature bucks and a doe or two and I’m out on to other outdoor games. I was lucky enough to get that done fairly early this fall. Give em hell tonight!!!
  7. Hope everyone gets some shiny new shells in their stockings. Merry Xmas All.
  8. It all starts at home. Great job on getting him started in the right direction and his dedication to stay on that path.
  9. Well the 2023 season is now a wrap for me. I again found a hit list of 3 of the top bucks in my hunting area of one of the greatest places in the state in Letchworth and it was one of those three or bust… Unless an even bigger buck showed itself. Was lucky enough to keep track of the three and harvesting one of them until the rut carried them off to yonder lands. He green scored 127 plus. Once guns started banging my standards are lowered to nothing but a mature buck regardless of size. The 2nd 8pt was a fighter for sure. Cut ear, holes in his hide on his forehead and an infected puncture wound in behind his front leg. Filled a couple freezer queens to keep things in check.
  10. Without a doubt. Not only killing this state but the country as a whole. There has never been a more dangerous time across the country then now. People just hate each other and that comes from the struggle every person now has to just keep on keeping on. Sad!!!
  11. Funny part is that his forecast was pretty spot on. At the granddaughters basketball game and one of my cameras went off just showing enough that a deer moved when the rain stopped. Then no more. Lol
  12. My god has there never been truer words. Useless banter from the same few. That give absolutely nothing outdoor related to this site.
  13. Crazy how the cameras show their actions as new birds show up. We have so many birds that spend winter here it’s crazy. And then just like that come spring the disperse again. I always thought the strutting was just for the breeding part of their lives but it kinda looks like they use it as a dominance thing also.
  14. Amazing how fast the Turkey numbers grow in our woods for winter. After combining around 800 acres of corn and beans their numbers grow into the 100’s. The bigger the numbers grow the more they strut around each other in the late season.
  15. Not even close to everyone. Just the same few. You would think those few would work on their weaknesses. You should take some lessons along with them and learn what it means to be a hunter on a hunting site. You are way at the top of that list. I could give you the help you need in that area also. Now do you have anything remotely related to the outdoors to share or are ya still after all these years still just reading and dreaming?
  16. Ahhh, Thanks old man. Once again if you ever feel like you can match any of my achievements you feel free to post up. Talk about all these years. Your jealousy is one of the biggest things that keeps you connected to me. You ever need a few tips I might be able to find a little time to get a few to ya. Even you are never to old to learn some new tricks.
  17. First all you have to do is look in pretty much every harvest posts on here be it bow, predator, ducks and geese you name it. Second, very few of us on here post on a daily basis and every person on here gets along with each other. Nuff said. I don’t really care what you post. You were posting plenty for me before this post about the other site popped up….which is about the only time you do post and that was plenty for me. And as you can see, this site is rolling along just fine with all of us left that post.
  18. Yeah. We have seen all the critters and hunting related stuff you have thrown up. You and Gramps are neck and neck. Your one post a month and that’s only if the other site is involved in the post. Like this one. And funny… ya both pop in. Epic.
  19. Yeah taking this weekend off to run around up here to get the last of the corn combined and then I will be down to share your backyard the last couple weeks of the season. Let’s hope for that cool down.
  20. And I can’t tell ya who they were but I could pretty safely bet that you got their same “Pack” mentality as the many great people that left this site because of them. Glad you went with the KMA attitude and stayed. Take a complete idiot for someone to deny how much nicer visiting this site is now. Sad that new people can’t join at this time but they sure are not crashing the door of that other site to join there.
  21. Yeah. We can all see just how much you offer up to this site. Those that really stayed did not feel the need to post their lives all over a bunch of sites so we stayed put. Happily. And if you continue to keep posting on this site as much as you have….. I would have no problem with that at all.
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