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Four Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Four Seasons

  1. First off I can’t imagine there are to many “Poor” deer hunters in this state that this change in laws would really matter and if they are really that Poor a season, a gun or a bag limit is the last thing they would ever worry about.
  2. So many Bears they are now turning into pests. We take 3-4 every year across from our property on the military base. With 1000 acres of beans and corn along with so many apple trees they are pretty easy to pattern. We let anyone who wants to hunt have at them just to keep them in check. They come around the animals in the summer time. Most guys like to hunt them on the base side of the road because they can use their rifle’s where across the road on us they have use the Bow’s. 6g and 6h.
  3. Exactly. And if only gun owners and sportsmen would vote we could send them packing every year. I think that will happen when they start finding out they can’t get ammo. If it’s not to late by then.
  4. No battery operated. Sends a shot of vapor scent. Can set it to go off at different times. Pretty sweet to get the doe in heat and of course the dominant buck scent would be from a different buck then what’s in the area so that sets them off.
  5. Exactly why I use two of these from Halloween on everyday. One with Hot Doe and one with Dominant Buck fresh from the farm at Conquest. Have had great success since I started using these compared to just scent canisters.
  6. Same here. 150 plus head of Whitetails keeps me busy up here in the frozen north but still find the time to get out after the yotes and bunnies and the Snow Geese are starting to hit the fields. Always find time to get down to Letchworth and move stands and scout more river bottom In March and April when the leftover sign is still there. If anything just to keep getting out In the fresh air where there is usually no snow to wade thru. Have to keep moving.
  7. Funny I was just at the gun shop yesterday with my kid picking out his first pistol…..Finally the whole family has permits, what a task in Ny state… and I was looking at new shotguns and there was only one double on the rack. A quick flip of the tag at $1100 ended the viewing. This is a nice looking gun at a fair price.
  8. Exactly what it is. My bucks will shed one week and be pushing new bone within two weeks. Healthy animals with minimal stress.
  9. I use to get them also. Probably got such bad responses they gave up. The Vermin have done a number. Fur prices in the crapper a guy has to still go get them and just take them out. Sad but true. Left unchecked and you will be paying taxes on trees and no critters to chase.
  10. Nah. Come on Eddie. Antlers are the least reason hunters go after the mighty Whitetail. Although that Doe is pretty. Lol
  11. It was time to get a new farm advertisement truck….less going to the state.. Thinking on going with this design maybe full wrap with farm name added in. White on White should look pretty sweet.
  12. No Doubt. We have not changed much on our 1000 acres and still plant pretty much the same crops just in rotation. We seem to have more woodcock the Grouse and of course Pheasants are just a thing of the past.
  13. See you can’t even get the thread name right. It was called Antlers drive the hunting industry. Which it does and always will. I’m still waiting for you to show me at least 1 hunting product that shows your little spike or 4 pointer. How many years have you had now? There must be at least 1 out there out of all the hunting products.
  14. Abrasive? Why because I have the Nad’s to give back what’s handed my way without issue. And yet you seem to need to keep coming back here and Still not giving the site anything constructive? Aren’t you late for the circle?
  15. When we had our coyote problem we had absolutely no small game and the Turkey and Deer numbers were dropping fast. Would see them all hours of the day and have 3 different packs yipping and tapping to each other in 3 different directions. War was declared and it was not until the 3rd year that we had the dog problem solved and the game came back. Rabbits like crazy but small game birds never really flourished. Turkey and Deer outstanding.
  16. Negative. And never will be.
  17. Exactly. Yet still feel the need to come here and F it up for others. Just being the same Asses they were when they left.
  18. He came here digging up members to go over there and he send PM’s to people on this site to get them to go over there. This site is a much better place since the move happened. Now if they would only stay there because they sure don’t put anything useful on this site.
  19. Why you think it’s fine for idiots that bad mouthed this place here, bad mouthed it on other sites and only come on here to attack certain people should be allowed? Sounds to me like you few can’t get FSW out of your heads and I am living rent free. And we can’t get new people remember and yes some of us on here could give two shits if those that caused all the problems on this site stay right where they’re at. You’re a smart man. Go back and do yourself a little research on this site and show one post that any people on this site even had a disagreement? We will wait.
  20. Well you have some of it right. The NJ guy came here selling his wares trying to pull people over there. That right there shows you the kind of people they are. Then the biggest mouthpieces that talked all kinds of smack about this site got the few regulars that lived on this site to go over there… No great loss because this showed just who was hurting this site. And then the biggest mouthpieces that never offered anything related to this site find it necessary to come back here and show their childish behaviors while still offering nothing constructive to this site. They found it necessary to leave then that should be it. Obviously they can see they are not missed and the site continues on. Only peacefully now.
  21. Not even close. But what a great idea There would be a few missing. But of course those would be the ones that never put anything useful on the site to improve it and only come to show how childish they are.
  22. Will you be dealing in more of those Solo Buck Huts? Could use a few of those on both farms.
  23. Good idea. Because if you were really paying attention you would have saw that the idiots that keep coming back here…doing nothing but stirring a pot and never put anything of any hunting or outdoor value..,were the same exact ones that left this site talking all kinds of shit about it. Just like another member on here said that they can’t handle the fact that this site is running along just fine without any of them on here and they can’t handle that so they have to come back here talking smack to other members. And just like their buddy Belo found his exit out of here for doing just that they also may not have to worry about visiting two sites for very long.
  24. It’s called keeping your friends close and your idiots closer. One tried to play that game on this site and he has been removed. There are a couple others that very well may see the same fate. A few of us will keep this site now the way it use to be at the beginning. As you can see with a couple of the posts above it’s not very hard to call the idiots out.
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