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Four Seasons

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Everything posted by Four Seasons

  1. Yeah because we all know. Every Hunter spends 1000’s of $$$ to get decked out with the best products the industry offers to go out and kill a 6 month old fawn. You would think a guy hunting for just “Meat’ would be able to wear his jeans and single shot shotgun. I mean really. How hard is it really to kill the dumbest animals in the woods? After all. They carry that same meat your looking for right? And their out there by the 1000’s. What’s the issue?
  2. No you will now exit this chat…Again, because like every other time you have nothing. Start showing me pics of nice back straps on packs of broad heads or maybe a website like Antlers has showing all the great baby basket 4’s and 6’s killed this year in Ny state. And the long list goes on.
  3. Those Bags? You mean just about every product that has anything to do with hunting the Whitetails deer? I could give two shits what you do or why you hunt. But again just as you or anyone else can’t show the real life fact that CWD is a big bad killer… Because it’s not. You can’t show real life facts that meat pushed the hunting industry but I can in fact show you just how almost everything in the hunting industry is pushed by big antlers. Again fact that you can’t prove wrong. And yes. Even the worst of hunters can kill the dumbest animal of any species in the woods. If that’s what trips your trigger then have at it.
  4. You can say anything you like. But until you can prove me wrong it does not hold much water. When you start seeing meat from the whitetail deer push the industry you let me know. Until then just like every morning hunters wake up with the hope of killing the biggest antlered buck in his woods the industry will continue to use big antlered Whitetails to push the industry. Prove me wrong.
  5. It would be him or nothing this year. To go along with a full or 3/4 mount.
  6. Oh we all still get the meat but 99.9% of hunters drive is the bone on top of that meat. Hell if that was the case why wouldn’t they put pics of does and spikes on the hunting products? Why would there be record books? Why would there be a billion dollar industry on Tv. Do you see hunters showing pics of nice does and 4 pointers from Trail cams. The list is long. Any Hunter can get meat even if they are terrible hunters for the most part. Hell look at Wolc. The guy makes a living killing babies for meat and when after years of hunting he gets somewhat of a nice buck we have to see pictures of it for 9 months on numerous threads. The Bone.
  7. I don’t think they really ever will. There is a vaccine being used behind fence that seems to be helping save some. You see that would be to easy to figure out and they would not be able to suck billions from the government on research. If you look a cwd prions they are the same a Scrapies in sheep and the sheep industry found out that it’s genetic and blood work was done and they bred Scrapies out of the herds. That’s exactly what’s going on behind fence and I few short years you will se no cwd coming from any high fence operations and the wild herd will no longer be able to pass it into the fenced herd. So high fence will have not only a bigger and better product to offer but also a healthier animal.
  8. Lol. Just a fact my friend. When they start putting tenderloins on the products we can say it’s all about the meat.
  9. You tried to spread more bullshit is all you did. You are no better then they are. Some say the earth is flat. Does that shit hold water also? You call a disease that’s been around for 60 freaking years and you can’t throw up one documented fact of that disease doing any harm to any extent like I can with a real deer killing disease in EHD that you don’t see the white coats begging for money to research? Why do you think that is? You know exactly why that is. Cwd is still the political fares it’s always been and whenever guys like you get called out on it all you can give is words from some studies that have been going on for years and still can’t show any merit behind it. They take a syringe and shoot the cwd prion in a mouse’s brain and then say it’s possible for a mouse to contract Cwd. Well no freakin shit. Now show me in real life of a mouse naturally contracting CWD in real world setting and they can’t. Just as you can’t show the disease killing off any herds. But I can in fact show you real life facts of herds growing even though the herds are in fact CWD positive. Who’s facts hold more water. My real life facts or your/their what if’s. We all know that answer
  10. Well first of all nobody should give two shits what my business is when it’s 100% legit with demand high and getting higher every year. So Jealous would be the only legit reason to have an issue. Second the Cwd hoax did very little to hurt the industry as a whole and in fact made my business double and now triple in size seeing though Ny closed the border for deer coming in….So Ny people have to buy from inside the state but we can sell to all but a couple states in the country. Hence a win-win for us For your CWD hoax if your so sure of all these deaths and destruction…. Show It!! Why would you have to believe research that has spent billions and have said the same thing for 60 years. I can show your real life 100% fact tested EHD killed Whitetails. Yearly. Now you are a smart man you say. You are versed to the ways of the world. You open your eyes every day for your last 40 years or however old you are. You have lived in numerous states, You should have all the real life facts showing the destruction caused by CWD if it’s the bad boy your brain washed to think/believe it is. If you can’t show the death and destruction then all you are doing is believing the words of the white coats that make their living sucking the free money year after year and the funny part is you believe them and even they can’t show you any major death and destruction to any herds or man in the last 60 years. Show me all this destruction you believe in.
  11. None takin. The fact still remains that my animals on the inside are the same exact animal in the outside minus the bloodlines and the care. Mineral licks will help with a Whitetails body condition and it takes that condition to help get full blood flow to their antlers. Body condition has to be there before any whitetail will make any kind of rack. Regardless of bloodlines or genetics. Just more of Ny’s lack of knowledge when caring for our wildlife. Kinda like not having an open season on all the vermin out there killing the fawns and raiding Turkey nests to the point of numbers dropping in many places.
  12. You have brought up my business numerous times in this thread alone. The only enemies I have about my business are the jealous ones that wish they could do and make what I do. Period. Any research would show you what I have been telling people for years. High fence will be a big part of the future of hunting. It continues to grow yearly with demand such that we are in the process of a 100 grand upgrade that will put us up to 300 head with over 100 breeding aged does with over 100 bucks a year being sold. They can like it or not but that’s 100% fact. Again. And again. You show me all the death and carnage from CWD that I can show you on the real deer killer in EHD on a yearly basis across the state and you will have my attention.
  13. I want you to show me the dead deer that died from CWD. I can show you the dead deer from EHD. I don’t want more write ups of what if’s or could be’s by the same people that keep sucking the government for research money to keep researching the same things. I want you to tell me how the state of Wisconsin killed off all their zombie deer because a big bad disease yet the state herds rebounded to record numbers of animals in a couple short years. I want you to tell me how a positive Elk herd at Wind Cave became so over populated with animals that they cut the fence and used helicopters to scare the elk out into the wild herd……. Yes a disease that you say is so bad yet they willingly ran those Elk out into the wild herd to be killed by hunters and put in their freezers…You tell me that that’s a killer disease and that they think it could be givin to man? I will read anything you put up that shows the 100% truths and real life facts of CWD killing numbers of animals.
  14. The bigger the rack on the bag the more it will sell. And some still think that the bone does not push the hunting industry. Amazing.
  15. Dude. The attack on my industry is proven by a farce every single day. By guys like you. That believe what you read. You sit here on a hunting site and talk shit about something and have no ammo to back it up but a government agency that has sucked billions and billions of dollars researching something that man himself made and actually has the same exact prion in the thing called Scrapies yet your hear crickets about that. High fence hunting has grown and continues to grow in leaps and bounds and that’s their only way to try and stop something that they have no control over. None. We make our rules our seasons and all without having to use the government for help or leadership. Same shit different day. The day you can come on this site and show the real life destruction that so called disease has done then maybe someone will listen to you. Until then I hold the cards and a 60 year old disease that has not done Jack shit to animal or man. The facts still and have always remained that more deer are killed looking for CWD then ever thugs of being killed by CWD and fools like you believe the shit your handed while the government hands them another billion dollars for research. Like after 60 years they are going to find something. Amazes me that you even fall for that shit but again. You probably think Biden is doing the great job he says he is.
  16. Supplements for healthy deer. A healthy deer with poor genetics is still only going to grow a certain size rack. There is a ton more to it then saying minerals are used to make big racks. Once again the big rack is shown to the consumer to push the product because it’s the antlers that push the industry. Wild or fenced.
  17. Dude Joe Biden tells you he is doing a great job while he shoves shit up your ass. You going to get on here and run your mouth the throw the facts up. We live in the real world. Show the death!!! I can show you EHD deaths by the 100’s. Show the carnage that you speak so highly of. You talking out your ass behind more unproven white coat crap.
  18. Generally speaking… If you really had a clue. A whitetail won’t grow big antlers unless it’s body condition is 100% first. Regardless of any mineral or anything else. The mineral helps the body produce more blood flow to the antler hence bigger antlers. You talk like such a smart guy on here but you really don’t prove it.
  19. Well they also like to tell you that the prions also may exist in deer piss. You going to bottle that you and have a few swigs? You say your not an idiot on the subject then show your facts. I don’t want what some white coat idiot that is sucking millions and millions of dollars every year researching the same shit over and over again. You have 60 years of this hoax to work with now show the 100% real life destruction to animal or man that has happened at the 100% expense of cwd. And Go!
  20. Lol. Now you have the floor. Do show us the herd destruction in the state of Wisconsin. And if your real frisky why don’t you include the rebound of the cwd positive herds in that state after that state killed 1000’s of untested animals. We will wait.
  21. I really hope your not saying that there are not minerals out there that will help body condition and size of whitetail deer.
  22. Of course I wouldn’t eat it. I also would not eat the nut’s from underneath any animal. That’s only common sense. So your the believer that although it has not happened in 60 freaking years that we all need to run scared because it just might someday? If that’s the case I would have to say you probably think Biden is doing a great job also.
  23. No there is 60 years of 100% real life fact that’s shows it has never caused any destruction of any herds anywhere at any time. And yes a hoax as to the white coats getting billions of dollars ever year to research something that has been around for 60 years, has caused no harm and has shown itself to be the same exact prion that sits in the sheep industry without any of the political bullshit spread that direction? My business does not really have anything to do with the disease except that we find it first because we are the only ones tested for it. Kinda makes sense right? Now tell me about EHD. A disease that has totally destroyed deer hunting in areas year after year and yet you don’t hear a peep? People need to take off the blinders and look at the real world that is laid before them.
  24. So you will kill a baby deer in a heartbeat but you won’t kill the tenderest of the bucks. Makes sense.
  25. Napping before loading in the trailer.
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